
I have been thinking about uploading a werewolf book I've been working on to wattpad. I am currently writing chapter 5, I would love to know if any of you would be interested in reading it xx.


Hey, I was going through my comments and u were just so funny and thoughtful. I justed wanted to say thank you for reading my book and I hope u can read the others I'm working on!!!! Lol!!!!


@NoorPetrova you are welcome! your book had a pull on me, I finished it within hours. If your other stories are anything as this one, I'm sure I'll be posting comments soon!


Hi Sofia, just stopped by to say thanks for reading and voting for Her Charming Secret. I hope you enjoy it. 
          Cheers, Water


Is this you way of indirectly telling me to stop commenting? Hahaha
            I like your story because lately I have found so many teenager stories, that all I wanna read about is adults who don't fall in love with quarterbacks or have school drama, but real life drama you know? And your story gives me that. It's really hard to find characters that are over 22 in here, did you know that? It sucks! (Yes I said characters)