
The Dawn Awaits story is not done yet! Please wait for more stories and adventures awaiting for you! (I would just want to inform you all that you are reading from Kayna's prespective, meaning that you are experiencing it just like her, the same way and same time. That is the meaning of this story, for you to feel how people feel when they're in pretty serious matters.


@Sokona12345  your right u need to know the person first before u do somthing ronge


The Dawn Awaits story is not done yet! Please wait for more stories and adventures awaiting for you! (I would just want to inform you all that you are reading from Kayna's prespective, meaning that you are experiencing it just like her, the same way and same time. That is the meaning of this story, for you to feel how people feel when they're in pretty serious matters.


@Sokona12345  your right u need to know the person first before u do somthing ronge