
Idk  where all these new flowers came from or why but thanks guys. Feel free to comment on any story you want me to update sooner


Hallo and omg ty for shouting out lol I'm Kat


Thanks Mellon chief elder
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Why I named the main character of my new book Sophie? it's quite simple actually I didn't want to change my username/all the covers I have, so I needed a character named Sophia, don't hate! They are very different people, 
          Sophia1 is book smart, she analyzes things to shut out her feelings because she isn't strong enough to handle them, she's un athletic, very thin even before that time she stopped eating, also she's straight, and Asian with piercings, also relatively sane
          Sophia2 is a tough girl tomboy, she's clueless, stubborn, angry and hard to handle, and bisexual, she's athletic, and you can tell by looking at her. she has a bob of wavy light brown hair, she used to be innocent, and shy, but toughened up after loosing her legs to a killer, also she's 
          Sophia1 just wants to end her pain, while Sophia2 has a vengeance complex
          See the difference?


To those of my followers who actually bother to read my stories, bless you 
          To my other followers, why are you even still here if you aren't reading them?


            because they are the ones that overdosed on hateraid and wanted to mess with the good writers.
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