
@JamieRayn Thank you very much! And thanks for following as well!


Yeah, I'm so used to thinking that exams are pointless that I keep having to remind myself that, actually, these ones do matter, and it really wouldn't be that hard to mess some of them up...luckily, there have been no disasters so far! I'm taking Maths, English lit and lang, Biology, Chemistry, Physics (kind of had no choice with those), and I picked German, History, Music, Latin and Ancient Greek, and I have never been more glad that I dropped Geography than now because, a, I hated it, and, b, I would have had 28 exams!! I mean, I still have more than most people, but 28 is just insane! Oh, thanks for the jammy dodger, you never know when one of those may come in useful.


You're really cool... Teachers keep banging on and on about how the exams will change my life, but they wont... They're not GCSEs or A levels, so, you know, whats the point? Still, I guess I have to revise or I'll epic fail and end up in bottom set, which o be honest I wouldn't mind, but my parents would kill me... The worst thing is, I have exams in all the things I hate: Maths, Spanish, Geography... What GCSEs are you doing?  And here, have a jammy dodger...


Don't worry, I'll try not to talk down to you! I'm only sixteen so, you know, if I do talk to you like you're thick just patronise me straight back! I know how you feel; I genuinely had no motivation to revise for any of the end of year exams so I never did proper revision until this year because, you know, they're GCSEs. I found that it does actually help, as well, because there's just so much stuff you have to know, but at the same time it's boring and I often don't feel like I've learnt anything. I never found out whether that's true until the exams as well, which isn't good. Thanks for the cheese cake! 


I'm doing end of year exams, but in a big hall with invigilators and everything, so a few years before my GCSEs... Please don't let this put you off talking to me: when  people find out my age they either start talking to me like I'm thick, or just stop talking full stop... Although I don't know your age... Anyways, teachers are going on about revising, and so are all the students saying they're going to pack in seven hour of revising a day in the holidays... I just can't do that, I mean I know they want to do well, but it's going a little overboard, and it's not even GCSEs yet. Still, I wish I had willpower like them... I'm fourteen by the way, how old are you? And here, have a cheese cake...


Yeah, I made a revision time table once...I didn't stick to it for one day so I'm just cramming like crazy the night before each exam (or crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!). Are you sitting public exams at the moment? And the cookie is gratefully accepted!


I have just drawn up yet another revision table: hopefully I'll actually keep to this one. I'm trying to be really organized but all this information just goes in one ear, and out the other... I HATE EXAMS! Oh, and here, have a cookie... :)