
Happy new year everyone! 


Hello to all of my little Saviours! 
          I hope you all have a Merry Christmas or what ever you celebrate during this time! I am working on new chapters for WATC as fast as school will allow me. I really appreciate everyone sticking around and supporting me with this book. I just hope I am not disappointing you guys.
          Thanks! That's all for now and happy Holidays! ( ^ω^ )


Hey everyone!
          Now, I know it has been a good while since I last posted a story but I am working on it so don't worry! 
          Second, I want to send my prayers to Paris right now due to what is happening. I hope no more lives are lost. Ever life matters! 
          Please send your prayers to Paris and all of the people it is affecting right now. Send them to the people trapped and their families that are still waiting to hear from them. 
          I guess it really is Friday the 13th huh? 


Hey everyone! (I'm not dead yet!)
          I am super sorry for not updating or anything. A lot has been happening lately and I feel terrible that I have not updated WATC? as of late. I hope to get a lot of writing done not that summer has finally started (thank goodness!) 
          In other news, I am still working on WATC? (Don't worry I haven't forgotten about it) I am just at a pause because I don't want to bore you guys, however, I don't want to rush the story either. So that's that!
          In another topic, my birthday is coming up! I am so excited! I've been waiting for this for like a year! 
          Anyway, that's all for now! Sorry for the lack of updating and for the long message. 
          See you Soul Saviours! 


Hey to all my Soul Saviours!
          I have not died (thank goodness) and I apologize for not uploading in so long! I am currently in the process of exam season (oh how I hate it so!) I promise to upload as soon as it's over, which is in about two weeks or so. 
          On another note, please I would appreciate it so much if you could comment on how you think WATC? Is going. I am really curious to find out how everyone thinks of the story. Is it good? Bad? Is there things I could add? Take away? Let me know! 
          Okay, I think that is all for now. Again I apologize for the lack of uploading. As soon as exams are over I will upload. 
          Alright, bye my Saviours! 


Hey Saviours!
          I just want to apologize for the lack of updating. I've been super busy lately and I hard have any time to write while trying to balance school, work, etc. anyway I will try to have the next chapter out by hopefully this weekend or later on in next week. Thank you to all those who read my book and who is still supporting me even though the updates are slow. 
          Sorry for that little rant. Have a good day or good night. Where every you are! ^_^