


          Her eyes narrowed even more, this time in a more playful manner as she poked him twice. "Who said that my mind wanted to be heard, hmm? Keep your nose out of my business, Cart; there's some private stuff in there that I don't want you reading." She'd die of embarrassment if he was constantly roaming around her head. It wasn't like anything /dirty/ was in there, but it was unnerving to think that someone could peer into her thoughts and say them out loud to her. Patting his shoulder, she shifted her weight to her right leg. "Then let's go! I don't have anything planned for a while, so let's start now. We've got shoes to design and book to read!" 
          //Shall we move to pm? 


          She was a little taken back by the cupping of her cheeks, and leaned away slightly out of habit. If he tried to kiss her, there was going to be some head butting; no touchy Lillian's lips without asking. No. Touchy. "How did you . . . ?" she trailed off, giving him a funny look. Then her eyes widened, her face heating up. He was a mind reader? Aw, heck. She'd have to be careful when thinking things about him, because he might get the wrong idea, and—ahh! Her nose was kissed! A heavy blush overtook her face out of embarrassment. "Not a problem, Carter," she choked out, clearing her throat. "Just . . . Don't read my thoughts all the time, dude. That's cool, but freaky." Dang, he must be really good at card games. 
          She narrowed her eyes slightly at the hand holding, but didn't say anything about it. Yet another thing she wasn't used to. It wasn't a bad feeling—it felt nice—, but it had been a few years since someone other than Goran or her cousin had grabbed her hand like that. She returned her eyes to his. "Any book at all? Awesome, I'll take the whole bookshelf," Lillian joked. "Adventures for shoes; sounds like a great book title to me! When do we start, Carter?"


          Lillian poked him as her return fire for the nudges he gave her, and giggled softly. Jeez, he must have had a fever or sunburn they way his face was heating up! She was tempted to offer him a glass of water before he became faint; what a mess that would be if he fell in front of her. "Aw, dude, I go on adventures all the time. I'd love to read your shiny books, if you're willing to give them up for an evening," she beamed, closing her eyes. 
          "Every minute? Heck yeah, it'll be so much fun! I'll be able to toss the crumpled bad designs at you, and we'll get to have a paperball fight!" she started laughing, growing excited with the idea of spending time with her new friend. "It'll be like winter in spring, with paperballs instead of snowballs."


          "I'm positive that you're wonderful at doing both," she replied, not the least bit sheepish over her mistake. Lillian noticed his blush, but dismissed it as a reaction to the heat of the day. "What kind of stories do you make? Oh, are they shiny too?" she joked with him, lightly punching his shoulder like they were old friends. 
          Her eyes lit up, grinning toothily at the make standing across from her. "You mean that? I get to help design the shoes /and/ spend time with you while doing so? Heck yeah, count me in, darling! I'm in!" 


          "Aw, that'd be too sweet of you~!" she cooed, placing her hand on her heart like his words warmed her. "I'd appreciate it if you would do something like that for me. It'd mean the world to me, especially since you're so good at designing shoes. I assume that's what you do for a living?"  It was silly to be so grateful for a pair of shoes—even more so when he said that he'd /design/ them, not make or give them to her—, but it was sweet of him to offer such a thing to a woman he had just met. There was still some kindness in the world, it seemed. 
          "The pleasure's all mine, Carter!" she chirped, retracting her hand after a few shakes. "It's wonderful to have met you, my friend. Hopefully we can continue to speak to each other."


          Lillian reached out and patted him on the shoulder, offering him an amused smile. "I didn't think it was a bad remark, but I wasn't sure what exactly you meant by it. Interesting can mean thousands of different things, depending on how you say it." 
          Oh golly, she hoped he didn't think she was checking him out. That was the last thing she wanted to do to this potential new friend; it wasn't nice to stare at friends like that. "A smart guy, eh?" she teased. "They're not too bad, man. You did all right."
          Thrusting her hand towards him, she closed her eyes and beamed her lovely smile. "I'm Lillian, love. Who are you?" 


          A dark eyebrow inched its way up the woman's forehead out of confusion towards the male's comment, tilting her head the slightest bit. "Interesting in the best way possible . . . " she repeated, chuckling softly. "My friend, that doesn't quite make sense, but I'll accept it as a complement. I assume that's what you were going for, haha."
          Her eyes darted down to his feet and trailed up his body, studying him for a moment like she was thinking. "I suppose you look interesting too, but it's your shoes that've got my attention. They're shiny!"