
this message may be offensive
So I was back in the hospital because apparently when doctors said "Oh yeah, your good now" they actually "Oh yeah, we definitely fucked up". It was an ejoyable two weeks and I am once more not sure how much of my bloodstream is actually still blood and not pain killer, antibiotics or other stuff they pumped into me. Generally 5/5 stars in terms of pain and suffering


Anyway, those two weeks did kill my minecraft addiction (for now) so that's a plus for you guys


It's not offensive wattpad, it called yappin


this message may be offensive
So I was back in the hospital because apparently when doctors said "Oh yeah, your good now" they actually "Oh yeah, we definitely fucked up". It was an ejoyable two weeks and I am once more not sure how much of my bloodstream is actually still blood and not pain killer, antibiotics or other stuff they pumped into me. Generally 5/5 stars in terms of pain and suffering


Anyway, those two weeks did kill my minecraft addiction (for now) so that's a plus for you guys


It's not offensive wattpad, it called yappin


If anyone's been wondering where I've been, recently reacquired minecraft after my old account got lost in the microsoft fiasco. The rest is pretty self explanatory I think. If anyone wants to play some hypixel bedwars though, I'm available :D (Have been writing a bit on the side but it has been a slow process)


Out of hospital now, already did some writage on the next chapter, and I might be able to finish relatively soon. Though even if I am out of the hospital now I will have to do some other things. Like you know, real life stuff besides writing. I also hadn't had much time to spend with my friends if I still have any that is. Either way, hope to see you soon in the next chapter! 
          Space out


@SpaceWhere4thWallWas take as much time as you need to recover.