
Hi been a while!
          	College has been rough but I’m back to being motivated enough to continue my series TVR! 
          	Eye of the Hurricane is the prequel that’s been kind of dead for a while but good news and bad news on that!
          	Good news is that I’m still working on it! I’ve been fixing some of the spelling errors and clarifying things now that I’ve been learning more in school!
          	Bad news is that the story is gonna take longer than I planned because I will be rebooting the recent chapters! EOTH is just not coming out as I want it to and I wish to make it so that the story stays cleaner and better than what I have now. So this process will take a bit but I promise the chapters will be longer and better!
          	I also am working on new short stories, but those will come out later and at random. Hopefully I’ll have more time to work on things and thank you so much to anyone reading my work!


Hi been a while!
          College has been rough but I’m back to being motivated enough to continue my series TVR! 
          Eye of the Hurricane is the prequel that’s been kind of dead for a while but good news and bad news on that!
          Good news is that I’m still working on it! I’ve been fixing some of the spelling errors and clarifying things now that I’ve been learning more in school!
          Bad news is that the story is gonna take longer than I planned because I will be rebooting the recent chapters! EOTH is just not coming out as I want it to and I wish to make it so that the story stays cleaner and better than what I have now. So this process will take a bit but I promise the chapters will be longer and better!
          I also am working on new short stories, but those will come out later and at random. Hopefully I’ll have more time to work on things and thank you so much to anyone reading my work!


Hey,, look whos back after a few months! 
          To be honest,, I've been just feeling like an absolute disaster for these past few months...years.. I'm sick of it really, feeling bad and sorry for myself just because my only energy source/way of living is through friends that just keep putting me last anyways-
          I know that sounds rude,, but it's been that way for years and I keep venting about it and caring, thinking things will change. so I'm ripping this nice demeanor off now to care more about me and how I feel about everything, which sucks because this is only how I speak internally and I know I'll lose people but maybe they didn't care in the first place?.. Either that or me just being too quiet as to keep from hurting people's feelings and my dumb self being to quiet to understand them but oh well...
          Anyways onto what really matters to me which is my writing. I decided to take in creative writing as my major and feel good about it, I don't know if i'll take a minor or double major in art too but that'll be something later. Currently I have decided to write my book series The Violet Row(working title) Which will include all my character altered and changed into a familiar yet unfamiliar setting. I will be revamping my ocs, species, story and world for this so it will take me a while before i get a chapter out. So for now I'll get back on Para12 and give a sneak peak of the changes with Tayo's Origin, which will be rated mature because of how gruesome his backstory is.
          And that's pretty much it, see y'all in a couple of weeks if I'm lucky and midterms don't screw me over-
          (New Para12 chapter was released a few days ago so check it out maybe-)


I’m so dramatic,,,  but I keep my mask on to hide it,
          It cracks and oozes the rotting feelings and sins
          They make up my body this black pigment-
          I keep hurting and hurting creating this mass of flesh
          A corpse that’s just waiting to collapse from it-
          My skin is my woes, my blood my tears-
          fat is my wishes dying, weighing down my spine
          My spine is my hope: exposed to be crushed 
          Like a popsicle, melting in the sun 
          My body will drip and become mush
          A sweet treat to be enjoyed
          Now forgotten and fallen on the floor 
          The stick broken in half, thrown in the trash 
          Instead of the recycling bin-
          All the good stays below as it melts
          While water: my body goes down
          Into the soil
          My soul to hell
          Or maybe a ghost
          Unaccomplished and destined to fail
          I’m am eternally damned for all I’ve done
          But hopefully, maybe i was good for someone-
          Even if it was just simply a bite-
          Maybe I made someone feel alright-


Happy Halloween y’all!
          Okay update on what im doing that isn’t overly depressing this time! :D
          So the Halloween post is out on my shiz stuff which will be on nebs, still working on other one shots, but they’re taking a while(and my confidence) to put out.
          Eight that though I have another story coming out. This will be different, as I’m actually going to be a bit more serious in having things make sense and introduce my world, through an alternate universe.
          The story is called Para12 and will have the main character not have any real understanding to how my universe works. It’ll be a way to introduce my universe as well as help me work with characters that aren’t exactly mine- It will be a bit dark though and maybe even a but confusing at first so be warned-
          A preview will come out soon with a clip of the first chapter and hopefully I can get out at least the first chapter in the next 2 weeks. I really want to try writing again, so hopefully it’ll happen.
          Anyways that’s all, stay safe and sleep well, I’ll see ya soon!


Can’t wait for it 
            Good luck Kelpy!


Smol update again.
          Finally after some time I’m going to write again. I feel really sick mentally, down to the point I have severe anxiety attacks every day or feel like vomiting, it feels like my whole body is about to rip in two. I’m just a freak and I know I can’t change that part about me, I’m terrified about how my parents would react if they found out. Despite all this I’m going to try my best to continue working, I don’t want to give up writing, And the gods know I can’t just quit no matter how sick I feel. 
          I hate being so self aware of my actions, I hate it but at least I haven’t gone mad yet. So.. look forward to my next story.. because despite this I’m going to try even if I break down over and over.
          Gods, I sound even more insane than I want to be-


Little update here regards to why I haven’t been posting again.
          I’ve just been feeling sick these past few day, feels like the flu but pain is really bad. Might get checked on soon if it gets worse but I don’t wanna add any more strain to family atm. Its gotten bad enough though that might just quit writing normally altogether and go to my more metaphorical side just to be able to write something to keep myself going. I’ll be fine in a few days probably, but I don’t know. If anyone finds this strange It’s alright. For now I might just shut my mouth for once and let the flow of my mentality settle down. So don’t expect too much from me. 
          I’m sorry if this has worried anyone, with my updates and lack of writing, but just know it’s not anyone’s fault but my own for choosing the path that lead me down this mental road. If I had simply forgotten my past, if I had just remembered what someone said to me, maybe things would of turned out better-
          Anyways that’s all for now, and I’m sorry-


Okay an actual update this time regarding stories.
          I will be posting 2 stories for my ones shot today, both regarding E but in different intervals/times. Please don’t take these stories as a back to back thing. They where written at different times and are told months apart from each other. I placed them in the order there to give a better sense of when they take place and that is all.(also I’m sorry if their terribly written I had no planning skills when doin em qwq)
          Also, I’ve been having this idea for an au in my head for a long time, it’s called Para12 based on the idea of what if E did completely lose himself to black magic? While this would happen sooner or later for him timing can change everything-
          So, would anyone like to have this story written, and if so, what do you hope to see?
          Anyways that is all really. I’ll still work on stories, though senior year is really tough so I might have to take long breaks again, but I do hope to post more.
          See y’all later!