
Glad to see Sparks Fly has been so popular this month! Like damn! That came out of nowhere. Is it to do with Vol 3 releasing or what? 


So I'm curious, what story(s) were the reason y'all followed me? (Even if it was a story from my old account that didn't get moved to here)
          Also, anyone wanna be friends? o.o I need more online friends and yeah...


@Sparky-Sparks Still waiting on Different Fleshie ^^


@Prime-Killer Both seem to be common favourites it would appear, especially the crosshairs story 


Should I work on finishing one of my stories fully or should i continue to update any/all of them over time whenever I feel most motivated for each story?
          What do people prefer?
          Is there a story you're eagerly waiting for me to update but I haven't in a while?


@Sorito_Tachibana The writing challenges that give a prompt and then you write a short insert with just that prompt :) Like a single chapter prompt. I think it might help me tbh.
            Hmm, I wonder if making a prequel story of how the reader came to find the children she takes in would be worth it maybe? Fleshing them all out more and showcasing how their relationships all came to be before Delsin shows up?
            Maybe even one who went "rogue" shows up and causes to chaos during the events in Fallen Angel even.. oooooh brain is now buzzing o.o


@Sparky-Sparks However that is entirely up to you, if you do or not mind ideas from a random reader who likes Infamous.


@Sparky-Sparks "That isn't exactly concrete"......... 'XT Meh whatever with the pun it's something in relation to the character idea I had anyway.


For those who like/read my Transformers fanfictions!
          I have a new Transformers Prime Story in the Works!
          It's a new Ratchet x Reader to replace the one on my old account that I am now discontinuing due to the fact I have 0 clue where my younger self was going with the story and i can't find any notes on it. BUT I have a new idea and am planning to post the 1st chapter this weekend!
          (Apologies if you got this message twice)


@Mandefun Luckily you won't have to! First 2 chapters are already up, I felt more motivated that I anticipated after making this post xD