
It is currently 4am and I feel like I'm going to die


I want you to know that you are an amazing person.  
          If I don’t get this back, I understand.
          But I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you. 
          Once you have read this message, you must send this to 15 people, including me. 
          If you get at least three back you are loved.
          (If not, you’re still loved by Jesus, we don’t discourage people here.)
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight at 11:59 am, the person you love most will realize they love you.
          Then at 1:00-2:00 pm be ready for the shock of your life. 
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to 15 people.
          If you don’t, you will turn ugly (in other people’s eyes) for one year.
          A friend told me to do this I'm so sorry TwT so PASS IT ON.
          Tomorrow, two people will ask for your number.
          Send this to 15 people or bad luck will find you for the whole year. 
          THIS IS NOT FAKE


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I just saw this online and I had to bring it up
          Do you ever think Hide blamed himself for what happened to Kaneki, cause hide told him to go on a date with Ghoul Bitch (I forgot her name it's been a while) and so all that shit happened and he kinda ruined Kan-edgys life?


this message may be offensive
It's currently 2am where I am and the only thing I can think about is how cats are afraid of cucumbers.
          There is nothing threatening about a fucking green stick.
          Cats where is your logic.


@Spicy_ChickenNugget Absolutely no fuckin' idea.


@xcold_sobax When has a cat ever seen a fuckin snake


@Spicy_ChickenNugget I now know the reason. It’s because the cucumbers look similar to snakes for them, which makes it an instinct of them.