
this message may be offensive
*Howl's a hello*
          	Oh another day another gettin rid of an asshole. 0v0
          	So some of u know Ty. Well....hehe the lil shit thinks that ma bf, Rogue, is abusive, controllin, possessive, and seems suspicious and all. Well Ty's wrong.
          	Anyway, what happened was Ty was makin this huge thing. Lied sayin that ma bf dated other gurl's, thing is he never dated anyone, but me, and said that ma bf threatens gurl's, bullies their friends so the gurl gets betrayed, and then breaks up with the gurl and only acts as if he loves them. This is all load of everlastin bullshit.
          	No one ever heard such a thing. No one would even believe that ma bf would do that. He was on this app in 2018, but was only readin and writin. He didn't rlly start writin, writin thu until 2019. And Ty was makin so much shit up it wasn't addin up at all.
          	Thing is Ty was the kid that was bein sexual to me. Yeah well me and Rogue think he's either jealous of me or Rogue or Ty likes me and wants me to himself or he's just a complete asshole. 
          	Idk. Never will figure it out bc I got mad, said somethings, and muted him. I got tired of him hurtin me and sayin the shit he did. And Rogue read all of it. I wish I could show u guys, but I can't sadly bc of screenshots not bein rlly allowed and that if I take a screenshot and it has swearin or whatever it'll red flag ma school and I can get into trouble. But if anyone does wanna see it........
          	U can zoom with me. I cannot make a zoom meetin for ma school made it so I can only join. U guys however can make a zoom meetin, send me the ID & PASSCODE and I can join. I can show u all that way bc I'll keep the convos that me and Ty had. And if someone wants to screenshot anythin to like spread the news bout Ty u are more than welcome to. I give permission for some of the things Ty as said...is concernin for gurl's that are 18 and older.
          	*There's more*


          	  hey sis? not tryin to be an ass;
          	  can i at least say i told ya so abt tyler?


@SpiritWolfLove sheesh, it seems like you always in some drama


@Mystical_Stays_Based Oh my god- I know you-
          I forgot about you.....And yes this is the person who used to own this cringy a$$ account....I can't get back into this one and if I could...I would delete it- I been trying to get Wattpad to delete it, but they never do. 
          So...what's the new identity now? If I may ask and if you like just pm me on my account and we can talk. Nice people still remember me...I guess....though I've Matured way more than....whatever the hell this phase was-


HIIIIIII Spirit :D Long time no talk...still remember me? I was so caught up in school I completely forgot about yall. How's it going? It's been 2 years T-T...


@Moonlight_Eclipse38 Oh my goddess! Sorry for not replying! I never got the notification.
            And thanks! I'm glad to be back a bit. Just been on/off here every now and again.


Kk That's fine :) Good to see you're back tho


@Moonlight_Eclipse38 Hi!
            Ummm...no I don't remember you...I know it's strange, but this comment I'm making is yes, under a new name, and that's because I'm not able to get into my SpiritWolfLove account anymore.
            When you were busy with school, I got locked of this very account. I been on and off this app for a rather long time after that.
            But, I am once again back on, but clearly not the person I used to be when I was  17-18 whatever age I was when I made this account.
            I'm much more...Mature and I just write books. Go into Awards people make and pretty much it.
            I only came here to see if anyone texted. And I was surprised anyone did. 
            Oh and no I don't go by Wolfy or Maria anymore. I go by my actual Nickname now. Which is Rissi or Riss.


Wow, a lot happened here after I left


@realjordan123 Hi! I didn't think I would see you comment on this account. I know this is weird, but I'm the person who used to run this very account.
            Lost the password to it so I was never able to get back into it. Oh and yeah...I'm not that person anymore. This account is so cringy it makes my eyes...bl**d...you could say.
            Anyway actually no nothing happened on this account. The only thing that was I guess a "lot" was the issue I was in with Tyler. A kid mentioned in the above post I posted long ago.
            And since you're apart of Wattpad could you by any chance delete this account? I would love it if you could as I'm never going to be able to get back into it and it's a waste of space to have this account.


 Read it.
          I mean it.
          If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
          I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care.
          See how many times you get this.
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, 'till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people.
          Including me if you want.
          If you get at least three back, you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight (12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you.
          Then at 1:00 pm to 2:00pm get ready for the shock of your life.
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          Send this to 15 people you truly care about, if not, you will turn ugly in one year.


Hiiii :'3 just checking on you, I hope ur doing good. I miss you.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Cute-Little-Dragon omt you're still here??? I've missed you so freaking much!! :'33 How have you been?