
Happy New Year everyone!  Sorry for no update today, I got sick this weekend and haven’t felt up to writing. Good news, I’m on meds and will have an update for Wednesday!! 


@Sprinting_Ginger happy new year and get well soon ! 


Good news! The semester ends in 10 days and updates will be back on a schedule!!! Thank you for baring with me! Gonna try and update Older this weekend before diving into reviews for my finals next week. 
          I love you guys!!!
          ~M =)


Yeeei! I miss mom and dad ❤️❤️  good look with your finals! ❤️


I managed an update Older! Everyone jump. No but seriously, thank you all so much for bearing with me, I’m really really going to try to focus on writing in the little moments between my crazy life right now to be more consistent. I can’t promise anything but hopefully a chapter a week for the most part. 
          I love you guys so much! 
          ~M =)


So, thinking ahead here. Should we have a Calum fic next or and Ashton fic?? I have ideas for both in my head. 
          ~M =)


@Sprinting_Ginger i respect that honestly. whichever you choose to write, you know i’ll read it haha


@cassssidy00 lol, that ash fic has been shelved because it is giving me way too much attitude with the plot working out. This would be an entirely different ash fic or Cal fic


Definitely should do the ash fic this time 


Hey guys! I got a new job and started up school so bare with me as I figure out a new update schedule. It will probably be on Sundays and maybe during the week if I have a chance! I haven’t forgotten about Elodie and Luke and their story ❤️ 
          ~M =)