
Hey!!! Sorry for the two month fade away, I've been really stressed out lately editing my.......wait for it......wait....okay yeah it's a 137 page novel, still in its rough draft, only about halfway finished, still requiring details. I'd love to post some but I'm waiting until I get my second draft written, which may take another two or three months. *sorry* I'm mostly sending this update to light a flame under my butt so I can get this done faster with a little more motivation. Hugs and kisses, you guys are still awesome :) 


Hey!!! Sorry for the two month fade away, I've been really stressed out lately editing my.......wait for it......wait....okay yeah it's a 137 page novel, still in its rough draft, only about halfway finished, still requiring details. I'd love to post some but I'm waiting until I get my second draft written, which may take another two or three months. *sorry* I'm mostly sending this update to light a flame under my butt so I can get this done faster with a little more motivation. Hugs and kisses, you guys are still awesome :) 


80 followers!!! Thanks so much you guys!!!! 
          I will be posting my fiction short story for young authors: it's getting published in my school's library!! I'm a published author!!! 
          So celebrations on two accounts!! Thanks you guys for your unwavering faith :) love you lots!!


I'm cracking down today! Another three or four chapters for Apocalyptic Tendencies will be written and I am going to post them one at a time throughout the next few weeks so I have more time to catch up on the book and make severe edits that need to take place. Love you all, happy Valentines Day!! 


Wow you guys!! 56 total votes, almost 40 on "Cold"!! Thanks so much!! I've been really sick lately, running 102 (F) or 39 (C) degree fever and I haven't been able to do much, but I'm going to get back on my feet and update soon! Love you all!!