
To any followers of mine or people who are interested in this channel, I will NOT be active on wattpad from 3/1/17-4/16/17. 
          	I'll miss you guys and see you soon! 


Hey Star, I know I’ve been incredibly inactive with drawing but you’ve been the greatest supporter I’ve had on this site for my art and I was wondering if you had an Instagram account? Since I was planning on opening an art account there and closing down the account here


Hey, Star! I know we've never really been close friends, but while I've been checking up on the first people I met here on Wattpad, I had to include you! I'm still deeply awed by your writing style and hope there's an update waiting somewhere in the future - but, of course, take as much time as you need. Writing aside, I hope you're doing well and will continue to do so <3


Awwww this means so much to me!!! I really appreciate your super nice comment! These types of things are what keep me motivated and I hope to get the chapter out and a update soon. Thank you so much though!! <3


If you guys see some messages on this board that seem out of place then they probably are, I'm sorry if it accidentally gets into any previous conversations, wattpad has been getting a little weird with messages in here and for that I apologize