
I OFFICIALLY HAD TO NE OF THE WORST DAY IVE HAD THIS MONTH! I HATE MY FAMILY! I HATE SOME OF MY FRIENDS! AND DONT FORGET ABOUT SCHOOL! Sorry for this I just can’t get over how I can’t even be myself without being judged. My life is falling down a cliff and dragging me along with it. 


I OFFICIALLY HAD TO NE OF THE WORST DAY IVE HAD THIS MONTH! I HATE MY FAMILY! I HATE SOME OF MY FRIENDS! AND DONT FORGET ABOUT SCHOOL! Sorry for this I just can’t get over how I can’t even be myself without being judged. My life is falling down a cliff and dragging me along with it. 


mesaj potențial jignitor
Love it when it’s 9:42am and you look at your friends conversations board and all you see is what a crappy friend you are. We r in a fight but my friend has over 100!!! Fucking followers and so you sit in your room crying because you don’t know how to tell them how hurt you are inside and that most of your smiles are fake because you barely have emotion anymore because all your life everyone & everything has betrayed you and that your mental support is crumbling under your feet and they decide to talk shit about you right in front of you at your show so you go home and cry till 4:30am hoping you die. 
                    - Leo