
Random quote if the day:


Hello my dudes, I'd love it if people would read my stories(particularly "Why Spain"). I would love some feedback. If it sucks, please tell me why so I can maybe fix it. I think I have a relatively good story going, but I don't really know. If you do like it tho, please let people know about it. I'd really appreciate it!


          Thanks for the vote on my book, "The Archer Princess!" I hope you enjoyed it ^_^ By the way, the quotes on your page are pretty good. I like the Big Bang Theory one. Heard it before, but I still like it. I never heard the cinderella one though XD never thought of that before.


@Star_Lynde Thank you! You have a great week! ^_^


@tg7angel awww thanks! It's nice to see that someone reads them lol. Also, I love your stories. They are totally worth the vote! 


Random quote of the day: "While you're doing fine, there's some people and I Who have a really tough time getting through this life
          So excuse us while we sing to the sky" ~Screen by Twenty One Pilots
          I love this line from my favorite band's songs


Random quote of the day: "The one concern of the Devil is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayer-less studies, prayer-less work, prayer-less religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray." 
          ~Samuel Chadwick