
          	Thank you thank you thank you!
          	I know I don’t write a lot (more like haven’t written at all in a while), but this honestly means a lot to me.
          	I realise that 50 isn’t a huge number of followers, but it seems an awful lot to me.
          	I’m not sure as to what I’ll do for a thank you yet, but hopefully I’ll pluck up the courage to start a poetry book, or I’ll post a one-off poem in my random book or maybe a chapter from one of the other books I’ve started but never seemed to have finished.
          	Once again, thank you all so much for sticking by me and big shoutouts to @universesandtea who inspired me to pick up my pen and write poetry (although I can only dream of having as great poetry skill as hers); also shoutouts to my great friends @horseycampjupiter @Atlanta_Capehart and @OhLookAnAlien who have been supportive and just, on the whole, great friends.
          	And finally a special shoutout to @Lazy_Dream_Chaser for being my 50th follower!
          	Okay, this has been really long, but I cannot express my thanks enough.
          	(I should stop waffling now, Stara out)


          Thank you thank you thank you!
          I know I don’t write a lot (more like haven’t written at all in a while), but this honestly means a lot to me.
          I realise that 50 isn’t a huge number of followers, but it seems an awful lot to me.
          I’m not sure as to what I’ll do for a thank you yet, but hopefully I’ll pluck up the courage to start a poetry book, or I’ll post a one-off poem in my random book or maybe a chapter from one of the other books I’ve started but never seemed to have finished.
          Once again, thank you all so much for sticking by me and big shoutouts to @universesandtea who inspired me to pick up my pen and write poetry (although I can only dream of having as great poetry skill as hers); also shoutouts to my great friends @horseycampjupiter @Atlanta_Capehart and @OhLookAnAlien who have been supportive and just, on the whole, great friends.
          And finally a special shoutout to @Lazy_Dream_Chaser for being my 50th follower!
          Okay, this has been really long, but I cannot express my thanks enough.
          (I should stop waffling now, Stara out)


I’m currently supposed to be writing an essay.......
          Except I’m not and I’m procrastinating by going on Wattpad and essays are annoying and I’ve done the planning, chosen my points, found the quotes and now I just need to write.
          But procrastinating is fun and easy.
          Essay is annoying and difficult.
          To do essay or to not do essay... that is the question.....
          Essay yes?
          Or Essay no?
          Nah ;)


@universesandtea crime in ‘Cry, the Beloved Country’


@Atalanta_Capehart and it’s a great way to spend your time. It’s fine.


Woah, speaking of Christmas holidays... whO's EXcITEd?!?!!!?!!!
          Have a Christmas tree emoji


Awww thanks!


            sadly emojis don’t show so here’s one i drew specially x


          Sorry I’ve not been doing much on here in a while, but...
          I’m currently considering writing some poetry books now on Wattpad but don’t expect anything soon as I’m quite busy, but hopefully, over these Christmas holidays I will get something published.
          At the moment I’ve got titles, book covers and a few poems, but I’m going to write a few (or a lot) more before I publish anything as I’d quite like to have at least one of my books to be complete.
          Hope everything is going great for you all!
          Stara, out.




Omg, get it right. It’s Stara. Gosh. Honestly, Jamie, you can’t go around getting people's names wrong. Glad you got the celebrity's name right though. Wow, that would have been embarrassing.


@StaraPrincess *kids voice* Tara n Buttercup sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G


*blushes* um yeah sorry okay bye you don’t have to go on about it okay...


ello ello ello what’s going on ere then


@jamiekelly121 English is a beautiful language because of its many words and synonyms. There are some languages, like ancient Sumerian which I have been studying, which were extremely simple, however why some languages form in a naturally structured form yet how others, such as French and English, develop in such an irregular way is a mystery which also amazes me. Language to me is the most beguiling thing there is.


@jamiekelly121 yeah, I get what you mean. Sometimes I muck up when speaking to people (in pronunciation or the way in which I word my sentence) and then I just think how much I hate the English language. Also spelling. English spelling makes no sense. But I do understand why (evolution of our language). But then there are other times which I simply love the language. Some wonderful beautiful words which sound amazing and others that feel lovely to say. Words that make music in writing, stories and poems. The way our language can make soundscapes and pictures using letters of an alphabet will never cease to amaze me.


@jamiekelly121 yeah, I get what you mean. Sometimes I muck up when speaking to people (in pronunciation or the way in which I word my sentence) and then I just think how much I hate the English language. Also spelling. English spelling makes no sense. But I do understand why (evolution of our language). But then there are other times which I simply love the language. Some wonderful beautiful words which sound amazing and others that feel lovely to say. Words that make music in writing, stories and poems. The way our language can make soundscapes and pictures using letters of an alphabet will never cease to amaze me.