
So your mother tongue isn't english either? (Mine's dutch and french)
          	It's quite difficult to write in another language isn't it? I just started reading Silly Girl and your english is quite good :D
          	It's nice to know that there are people all over the world using wattpad and reading each others stories ^^


So your mother tongue isn't english either? (Mine's dutch and french)
          It's quite difficult to write in another language isn't it? I just started reading Silly Girl and your english is quite good :D
          It's nice to know that there are people all over the world using wattpad and reading each others stories ^^


@Starcrossedgirl south..well why don't you think a little more far than south .. how about middle east ? xD and yes, I kinds figured it out from 'stories' that snow turns out brown and muddy and of course it doesn't even feel good while imagining :P but as you said "GLOBAL WARMING" :))
          Now a days we are going through Autumn. :)


@Blue__Night Snow is really awesome unless it turns brown and muddy - which it always does here - anyway normally we have hardly any snow at all so it's kinda weird for it to be still snowing in March - while we barely had any snow in January -  I blame it on global warming
          So you're not missing that much here 
          Were are you from? If it doesn't snow there I imagine that it's more south?


          No problem, I still have to start reading your story but it seems really interesting ( especially cause the cover has a horse on it - big horse fan here btw)
          And as for Belgium, you really should though I warn you
          We have horrible weather, it's almost april and it's still snowing here :/


Hey there :)
          Thanks for adding my story in your read late section.
          Hope you like it, and please do inform me with your opinion. :)
          btw, I never knew that Belgium is the country of chocolate and french fries.. but If I ever get the chance then I'll definitely visit that place. ^_^
          Stay in peace!