
New book!!!!! In the process of editing my first draft. Leaving samples here, more information is on the first page of the book, check it out. 
          	Beware of TW (trigger warnings)


Hi my fellow peoples! I know y’all are looking fort for my updates and I really appreciate that a whole lot, however I wanted to let you know I’m going to be busy this month, didn’t want y’all to be kept waiting, so until then have an awesome month and look forward to hearing from me again!
          Until next time!✌


Hello everyone, thank you so much for your support. I didn’t think there would be so much people read my book. I have written this book a couple years ago on a whim and didn’t really plan it out. So seeing how all of you lovely people wants updates, I’m planning to rewrite it and actually plan it out but it would still be the same with some changes. So please continue to support me! Have a lovely time!