
I'm going to do it!
          	 It has been months since I last focused on "Reflective fragments" and I need to get back into it. My writing may be terrible because I haven't written anything in a long time. Plus, I just want to GET THIS DONE! I've left it on hold for too long and I want to at the very least get all the chapters from Part 1 done so I can plan away part 2.
          	I hope things go well and work isn't thrown in my face!


@Starlunaby Just a little update, it did. A lot of work and projects due. I can't take a break.


I'm going to do it!
           It has been months since I last focused on "Reflective fragments" and I need to get back into it. My writing may be terrible because I haven't written anything in a long time. Plus, I just want to GET THIS DONE! I've left it on hold for too long and I want to at the very least get all the chapters from Part 1 done so I can plan away part 2.
          I hope things go well and work isn't thrown in my face!


@Starlunaby Just a little update, it did. A lot of work and projects due. I can't take a break.


Random thought, but I've been thinking of deleting "Persona 6" from my list as I feel the writing is terrible and there is no ending the story and I do not see the benefit of leaving it there just to be left on a cliffhanger that will never be lifted.
          I'm planning to do it around midnight so just to let everyone know in case they come and wonder where the book is.


Not to mention a few people I've noticed has been copying my work and getting more credit, so... Yeah no point.


The coronavirus has spread in my country. It used to be a small thing just happening in China and now... 
          My school just closed down for three weeks because of this and we have to work home, getting our notes and homework online. 
          I just had an appointment and when I entered I saw posters on keeping your hands clean and covering your sneezes/coughs, hand sanitizers, the tv was based on the coronavirus and the handles were covered with plastic bags. Just seeing all this really concerns me.


Let's get straight to the point. As you all know, part 1 is STILL not finished and I am so sorry! My excuse would be because of the other pieces of work (other than writing) that I am working on for school and I am currently planning the other parts because there are a lot of holes in it and I need to fix it. Part 4 is done, but the others (2,3 and 5) are a bit of a mess. Like: how is this "other world a thing?", how is the protagonist introduced to these characters and am I just rushing through them, making the other world completely unnecessary to the story? I also don't want to end it so abruptly and to a point where it wasn't worth reading at all.
          Another quick notice: This isn't supposed to be "Persona 6", but an original story. I'm only keeping it there because: 1) I can't change it, my cover without the title was deleted and it will take a long time to replace it (in other words that took too long and I don't want to deal with it again). 2) To avoid anyone from taking my idea, assuming it's only "fanmade". There's my reasoning behind this. I'm sorry if you thought it was, but now you know.
          I have all the chapters officially (hopefully) planned for "Reflective Fragments", and I did not expect the final result. Two introductions, a prologue, epilogue and 68 CHAPTERS!
          Part 1: Eight Chapters
          Part 2: Ten Chapters
          Part 3: Twenty-five Chapters
          Part 4: Fourteen Chapters
          Part 5: Eleven Chapters
          As far as I know, Part 1 is definitely ready and fully planned, I just need to type it out. You won't expect any other chapters after Chapter 8, it will be a very long wait (I need to make sure everything connects, as I mentioned before). 
          See you soon in hopefully, Chapter 8, 3, 5 AND 7 (and the edited versions of Chapter 4 and 6).


          I'm feeling bored. Since I'm on break, I want to practice my drawing. If anyone has any requests they wouldn't mind me practicing on, reply and I'll see if it's possible (it has to be just the head for now).
          An example of my attempt is in the art book. Enjoy.


If I'm going to be honest (I'm supposed to be studying, but I'm taking a break and would like to accompany my thoughts and speak my mind). When I watched a few animes (I don't watch many. I've only watched three to four and I'm aware of around ten? My friend loves anime) I thought up of some characters, three to be precise (I think they're called OCs).
          But, do you ever have that thought where you want your own original characters to end up in a completely original story you made up? For my three (I think it's four) characters, I didn't want to leave them in the dark so I tried to place them into something else. 
          Would you like to see? Probably not, but I'll do it anyways. OKAY, back to revision! I want to feel positive for my Christmas holidays.
          - Fei Hong Cheng - 'Ties Devoid' [Thought up for Persona 5]
          - Nathaniel - 'Hinch' [Tokyo Ghoul]
          - Cordelia (I really liked the name, so don't judge if you know where I got it from!) - Bleed Tears [Tokyo Ghoul]
          - Aylin - Age of Domination (Not sure if I'll keep the title, it doesn't appeal to me, and her original name was 'Ruka') [Persona 5 - I imagined her as the robot]
          - Saoirse (that wasn't her name previously) - '25 days in' [Black Butler. She was that thought I had. What if an angel was a maid? I don't know much of the tale, I've only watched S3]


Things aren't going too well with the book as well as editing. School is expecting a lot out of everyone, and we have to take two tests every week (possibly three or four). I never have time to edit or type anything which makes me upset because it's the only thing I enjoy doing other than reading (that is educational in some way).
          Sometimes I wonder if I should have taken a year off school like most of the kids in my class did. Sometimes I regret it because... I want a break. I want to sleep, I want to enjoy what I do and for once not rant and worry about exams. They expect a lot in school. It's painful, but I just have to walk further.
          I apologise for this unnecessary rant, I just wanted to inform people of my disappearance and what's happening. Maybe I'm just tired (explains the errors in my chapters). I ended up accidentally falling asleep four times and ended up sleeping in my clothes. I felt like vomiting once I woke up...


Don’t worry take you’re time to be you’re self


The intro to Koyo and the prologue has been edited out (this involves grammar mistakes and more description; as while as added lines). 
          If you would like to see the difference, that is optional.
          The introduction to Yukie, Chapter 1 and 2 are currently being edited. I will let you know.


Do you know what I think is hilarious? How the demo of reflective fragments got more views and votes than the official.
          It's probably because the demo was up much longer and it was supposed to be persona 6 (not to mention there are more published chapters).