
new imagine posted 
          	little bit different than the others ones but I hope y’all like it!


after having a writing slump of over a year, I have finally posted a new chapter of “artemis” 
          it took me a while to get back into writing, but I have a new approach to it, one that makes writing less stressful and more fun, so hopefully I will be posting more consistently. 
          thank you to everyone who has stuck it out with me and continued to be supportive even while I was awol. I just want you to know that I appreciate it with all my heart, and it means the world to me. I read every comment, every DM, and they make my day. I love you all xxx


sooo it’s been over a year… whoops
          mental and physical health has been bad recently, and college has been kicking my butt this year 
          BUT I’m back and working on a new chapter for artemis 
          hopefully I can start writing again more consistently, because once I start it’s easy; it’s getting the motivation to start that’s hard :/ 
          so I’m gonna try my best and hopefully get some more updates out 


I really can’t with some people, and I say this a lot sarcastically but there are a select few people in this world and whenever I come across them I think “wow. you are the reason I don’t like people”