
          	I'm bored 


I feel terrible I just wanna die, I'm so tired of life, it makes no sense what's the point of living in a world where nobody cares about you? 
          I have nothing to life for... I just wanna die. 


@Vnessav99 aw Haha thanks :)) I wish I could get you Jack Gilinsky!! If I could get him for you i would lol


Thank you so much for your words, they mean so much to me. You have no idea. ❤️ thank you so so much 


@stephlovesshawn to be completly honest... I felt the same way. I graduated high school, I got my diploma, I finished school. But I never had friends. Nobody really cared about me. I was like what is the point of living my life? I thought I was alone and had nothing to live for. But then I realized I was never alone. Nobody is ever alone and you are always cared about no matter what. And Karma___ is right. You are worthy and cherished and loved. Maybe you feel like that then but later there IS SOMETHING to live for. You just need to embrace yourself :) I know Im like a week or two late but I just want you to have more support. If you need to say  anything ask me (: even if its how you feel about Greek yogurt.