
If your name is Evie B., then plz reply. I tried finding your new account. Can't find it.


@StitchesNeeded9786 Wattpad is being a butt! Can you text me pls? I'm so sorry for not responding!


To all my followers, I'm happier in life now. Things are getting brighter. Going outside seems fun. The sky looks even more beautiful. School is a blessing for me. I'm starting to move. Starting to go. Life is better. I'm better. I'm meeting new people. Planing my life. Starting my life. It's getting better.
           "My days are still dark 
            but I am finding the light in it all."
           Good night.


@StitchesNeeded9786 lol that was bull crap. I'm back and life SUCKS! I mustuv been high when I wrote that.