
I have no idea how many people are even going to read these, since Marvel and D.C comics continue putting out the same old same, while i am trying to get my foot in the door on my own as an artist and self published author. 
          	I have roughly 211 books that will intertwine with one another over the expanse of my own characters and their Universe called The League of Heroes Universe. Sole property of mine.
          	I have been writing about Superheroes fighting Demonic Darkworlders and their Leader Dark-Knight A.K.A (Darren King.) And His Master (Demon-Knight.) Which also includes their subspecies of Vampiric, Werewolf and Zombiefied Darkworlder slaves as The Rogue Leader of the Empiria Solar system, known as Elder Rodzaz creates chaos throughout  the pitch black void of Space.


@StonerStoryTeller420 What good is a Monster/ mad-scientist without a lot of Heroes to challenge with his Psychotic death traps and his next-level creations are freed 1 by 1 and are set loosr from His own Secret lair as the Quiet planet of Aeon-Prime hangs in the balance. 
          	  Rex Rayku and The League of Heroes must prepare themselves as The Underworlders prepare for war; Underworlders are usually found living deep beneath the surface of the planet, inside vast cave systems as they plot to get rid of the L.O.H. And you.


Hey,I was just curious about why don't you give your books a cover?


@Alex-storm-love no problem. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. 


@Alex-storm-love I have to download an app to do that. I just haven't gotten around to do that.


I have no idea how many people are even going to read these, since Marvel and D.C comics continue putting out the same old same, while i am trying to get my foot in the door on my own as an artist and self published author. 
          I have roughly 211 books that will intertwine with one another over the expanse of my own characters and their Universe called The League of Heroes Universe. Sole property of mine.
          I have been writing about Superheroes fighting Demonic Darkworlders and their Leader Dark-Knight A.K.A (Darren King.) And His Master (Demon-Knight.) Which also includes their subspecies of Vampiric, Werewolf and Zombiefied Darkworlder slaves as The Rogue Leader of the Empiria Solar system, known as Elder Rodzaz creates chaos throughout  the pitch black void of Space.


@StonerStoryTeller420 What good is a Monster/ mad-scientist without a lot of Heroes to challenge with his Psychotic death traps and his next-level creations are freed 1 by 1 and are set loosr from His own Secret lair as the Quiet planet of Aeon-Prime hangs in the balance. 
            Rex Rayku and The League of Heroes must prepare themselves as The Underworlders prepare for war; Underworlders are usually found living deep beneath the surface of the planet, inside vast cave systems as they plot to get rid of the L.O.H. And you.