The greatest gift anyone can give is their time because it is something they will never ever get back. That being said , I would like to extend my thanks for all the time you gifted writers spend on your amazing works of art so that people like myself ,who don't always like to read mainstream, have something to fulfill our deepest , sometimes darkest desires. Your talents and your time is greatly appreciated. Bless you all.
  • NSW, Australia
  • InscritNovember 10, 2017

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StormyLoveHickson StormyLoveHickson Oct 26, 2018 02:31AM
A request, so here's my first work in this forum. I hope you enjoy.
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Histoires par StormyLoveHickson
The musings of a wayward Angel. par StormyLoveHickson
The musings of a wayward Angel.
just some random short pieces I have written
Make it rain par StormyLoveHickson
Make it rain
Just some random things that have been traversing their way around my brain.
Ode to My Master par StormyLoveHickson
Ode to My Master
A Sonnet by StormyLove This is a request I am honouring, very few people these days know much about Sonnets...
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