
Hi Everyone, I know it has been quite the break i've been on.  Just can't seem to find the time to write these days.  (Even though I have a million stories left to tell.)  I'm hoping to dust off my quill and get some new chapters out to the stories on hold. Hope you are all staying safe!


I love a desert roses and I hope you would write a story for Leo or for Raza 


You're very welcome . And while you're writing those captivating stories of yours please take care of yourself both physically and mentally 


@SorceressRaraRhine26 Thanks so much for reading Desert Rose, I'm so happy you enjoy it! I'm busy with a couple of other stories at the moment, but will circle back to Leo one day!


Hi Everyone, I know it has been quite the break i've been on.  Just can't seem to find the time to write these days.  (Even though I have a million stories left to tell.)  I'm hoping to dust off my quill and get some new chapters out to the stories on hold. Hope you are all staying safe!


Hi StormyTee I love desert rose and just re-read it again and I must say well done. Its marveltantic. Thanks for having such a vivid imagination and sharing it with us. 


@Lucentbeauty Thank you for your lovely comment!  I would be nothing without you wonderful readers!  It is amazing to me that something that started in my mind can be enjoyed by all.  Thanks for checking in!