
Hi all! My story, The Risen Queen, will no longer be updated on this site but on a Google doc instead. If you would like the Google doc, please shoot me an email for it! Thank you for your time and I wish you all well!
          	Love, Story Witch


Can I vent? So me and my mom work at the same work place and I've been sick the last 4 days. She wouldn't go in for me and now is throwing a huge fit and is talking about with with my dad in their room with the door closed. It's getting ridiculous. I'm sick too. I'm about to write out of order on my forehead and tell them to stick it.


Sorry for the long, untold hiatus. Being at my trade school is taking a toll on me and I've been a bit depressed because the guy I really liked likes my future roommate. I don't have a problem with her but I'm mad that he's drug me on making me think he likes me. So yeah, that's what has been going on.


I will be taking the 29th to the 4th off from writing so I can enjoy my PTO, after that, a couple chapters to Ocean Blue and The Risen Queen will be published. The next chapter for The Risen Queen will be out Friday and the next for Ocean Blue will be released on Wednesday.


Hey all! Sorry I've been so busy! I plan on working on the next chapter of The Risen Queen soon but I am in trade school at the moment and my work day ends at 3:30. Working on this story is my priority at the moment so none of my other books will be worked on until I'm a few more chapters into The Risen Queen. I plan to have at least on chapter every 2 weeks but I don't know if it will even be that.