Hello! I am an avid writer, that has such an active imagination! As you can see, writing is my true passion. It's a gift that I hold so dear to my heart. What could be better than to create characters and worlds from your creative imagination? Writing is the art of the soul. If anyone ever tells you that writing is a waste of time, they're wrong! It's only a waste of time, if you don't enjoy it! I write straight from the heart! Love you all! ✨❤
  • The Fictional Realm
  • انضمJanuary 1, 2023

الرسالة الأخيرة
Storytellingdude871 Storytellingdude871 Jan 01, 2024 05:03AM
Happy New Year!!!!!! It's finally 2024!!!!!  
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم David Saunders
2023: Year In Review  بقلم Storytellingdude871
2023: Year In Review
Just going over all the events that happened this year.
Christmas In The Fictional Realm بقلم Storytellingdude871
Christmas In The Fictional Realm
Ho ho ho!!! Merry Christmas from the fictional realm!! Here are some enchanting Christmas tales to read while...
Short Horror Tales بقلم Storytellingdude871
Short Horror Tales
This is a collection of horror stories, for those that love the genre!
14 قوائم قراءة