
[TEAM SEAFOAM FOR THE WIN BABY!! This is my first time participating in Artfight this year, so I'm super excited! >:D


[I come with yet another update. I feel like I should've mentioned this a while ago, but I just didn't think it was that important. But it is now, since it will be crucial to updates and stuff. I recently got a leak underneath my sink and had found out that there was mold underneath my carpet because of the leak. My sink is fixed, but that means that my carpet has to be redone. I will be having to sleep downstairs in the guest bedroom for quite a while. My father says this whole process takes about a month, so me and my siblings will be having to sleep downstairs for a bit. Updates may be slower due to trying to focus on both possibly getting a job and the people working. I'm trying to get all the stuff that I need for tonight all out of my room. There's also a possibility they'll have to remove my bed and my dressers which are full of clothes. I will try my best to keep updating everything, but just know there will be a slight delay. I hope you guys have a good day/night.]


Hope everything’s gonna go good <3


[So, I've just received some horrible news. It turns out that I might be moving to Houston. My mother got a job opportunity there recently, and she's always hated her current job. She's been wanting to quit for so long, and I was hoping she'd get another job in our area, but some company found her interesting. She won't stop bragging about how great it is. And she won't stop asking me "So, how do you feel about moving to Houston?" But of course, no matter what I say, my opinion doesn't matter. It's clear that I don't have much time left before she quits and ends up announcing that we're moving to Houston since she hates her job (And the people who work there) so much. I really don't want to move. I've already lost so much just by moving schools, and I don't want to lose anything else. Not to mention that I'm going to have to start from square one all over again when it comes to school. Just FYI, this isn't confirmed if we're moving to Houston or not, but it's an option my mother has been looking at for a while. I will notify you guys if there are any updates/changes for anything. Hope you guys have a good day/night.]


@Nightwillow5692 Oh geez, that sounds awful and hard, I'm sorry to hear that


@StreamRiver aw, I feel the same way, I had to move schools 3 times, twice in the same year


@Benjibud Yeah same. I've also heard a lot of recent storms are happening there too. But I'm genuinely scared for the heat there :sob:


[Happy Pride Month everyone! I have a special surprise for you guys today! I've decided to do some Pride YCHs to celebrate Pride Month! They are posted in my Art Book if you want to purchase one. They are cross-posted onto DeviantArt, so if you want to check it out, you can find my username in my bio. Anyways, hope y'all have a good day/night!]


Hello ! Sorry to bother you ,, but I'm going to be working on Galaxie , I checked the chapter   , and I kinda got confused , is it blue or orange ? 
          ty !!


@corvidclawss Hello! So, with Galaxie's tail, it changes depending on her emotions. There should be a color scheme that matches with the emotions on her page, but if you can't find it, let me know and I can send it through here! I don't remember which expression I put, so you can do whatever you want! :D


[Hey, just popping back in for some things. Anybody have any suggestions on how to sleep better? I've been tossing and turning for the past 2 weeks of summer break and it's grown annoyingly hard to sleep. I'm a very lazy person, so I enjoy my :sparkle: beauty rest :sparkle: If anybody has any suggestions, please let me know, I need my sleep :sob:
          Also, {~Over the Horizon~} has been updated! Chapter 1 has officially been published. Chapter 2 will be coming shortly along with it since I started it right after publishing Chapter 1.
          And last thing, if you need an allegiance for anything, why not check out CROOKED KIND? It's an awesome allegiance book made by Hollyhockfang! It's got details and everything you could possibly ever need for an allegiance! Go check it out:


@Jacka_Lee XD, I promise I will :'D


@StreamRiver if you find the answer gimme it I need better sleep :')


@Benjibud This was way too helpful, lmao. Thank you so much! I'll be sure to try these out if some of them don't help me! :)


[So, it is confirmed that me and my family will be going with the family I do not like on June 9th. I'm starting to think I'm overreacting or something about this trip. The only reason I don't like this family is because of my trust issues. I keep thinking my parents are crazy for trusting someone so simply just because they're able to help them out, but that may just be because I have a hard time trusting others. Idk, you guys can tell me if I'm overreacting or not, I won't get offended. I'll let y'all know when I'll be leaving for the trip and if anything changes. I should be online a good majority of the time, but I have a feeling my parents are going to force me to socialize (Which I physically and mentally cannot do cuz of my social anxiety). Anyways, hope y'all have a good day/night.]


@Benjibud I'll try, but it might take me a bit :')


@StreamRiver I think you’re judging a little too much on appearances. You’ve clearly seen them a lot, so I think you should give them a chance. If they do something, then fine, you have a right to not trust them. But how can you if you’ve already got it in your head that they’re not trustworthy? Give’em a chance, I’m betting they want to get to know you too.


@Benjibud I just find them a bit annoying and confusing. Like the wife is super hyper and loud and bubbly while the husband is huge and scary looking. I've spoken to them a few times before, but I just can't seem to trust them like my parents do. I don't usually get along with many families, as I like to keep to myself most of the time. I often think that they're going to do something to break my parents trust just so we don't see them again. But I think the main reason I don't like them is because my sister spends all her time with them. She loves hanging out with them a lot and wants to do anything with them. I don't see nor like my sister's enthusiasm towards this family, but I guess that's cuz she loves making new friends. I don't know, my suspicions seem stupid now that I think about it.


this message may be offensive
[I'm finally free from that awful nightmare (Nightmare=School), but now I must suffer a new nightmare. You see, I never liked summer. To me, summer defines to: An awful 3 month extension of spending time with my family! And when people say "Oh, I can't wait for summer!" I can't help but lie and say I can't wait for it too. Life is just so swell sometimes! In case you couldn't tell already, this is not a vent and no this is not sarcasm! Summer is just another 3 months of my life wasted doing pointless trips and camps. And what's worse? I now have to go on a dumb trip with a family I do not like whatsoever! Our parents do everything with this damn family, and I honestly can't take it. It makes my blood boil and makes me want to punch a wall. Buuuut, this also means that more writing + art will be coming too! With dumb old school out of the way (I can't believe I have to suffer 2-3 more years of it...) I can finally focus more on writing new stories for you guys! Now, before you get all excited, I will be taking a few mental breaks every now and then. My mental stability isn't as high during the summer as it is at school (+ My insanity goes nuts at school), so that means you won't have to worry about writing chapters (Not that anybody cares, lol.) And with that being said, I will no longer post announcements unless it's for trips/breaks/and other important things! I may also not interact with anybody for a bit, but that all depends on my motivation. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go lock myself in my chamber (Chamber=Room) and hide in there for 3 months! Hope you all have a good day/night!]


@-labyrinxh- The heat is absolutely the worst part of summer :skull:
            But I thank you for giving me a different perspective. And no, I ain't offended. But seriously, thank you, I appreciate it


            You don’t need to like summer of course, honestly I just don’t like it cause of the heat, but I’m glad you see where I’m coming from. I’m sorry about the tension in your family, but I can see the trips as maybe a way to lessen the tensions. Something I heard a while ago that I’ve kept close to my heart is,
            “I can’t blame my mother, this is her first time living life too.” And that’s helped me realize that she’s human and is making mistakes and learning from them too.
            Your feelings are valid and seen, I just also wanted to share another perspective. Thank you for sharing a bit about your family dynamics, I can understand why you’re not looking forward to summer. You’re gonna be in my prayers (if this offends you, I’m sorry that’s not the intention). 


@-labyrinxh- Hm, nah, I see what ya mean. But I'm telling you right now, I ain't gonna remember any of those memories. My brain has gotten so slow to the point I don't even remember what I did an hour ago. I understand what you're saying, some people have it worse than others. I guess I just don't like the whole concept of traveling and camps, and tensions have been quite rough with my family right now. By the way, I ain't offended by this at all, I was expecting something like this. My family and I just don't have a great relationship right now (Mainly because of the school they placed me in). Hopefully something changes, but other than that, I don't think I'm gonna like summer still.