
Hi everyone I did took another hiatus. Since I'm going to a new school and all I had to do some stuff. At the end of this month there should be a new chapter out . Meanwhile I dyed my hair in four colors of danplan *wheezing* my hair is a mess . Anyway if I finish it sooner then I will publish it. 


Hi everyone I did took another hiatus. Since I'm going to a new school and all I had to do some stuff. At the end of this month there should be a new chapter out . Meanwhile I dyed my hair in four colors of danplan *wheezing* my hair is a mess . Anyway if I finish it sooner then I will publish it. 


I'm working on Dan x reader so expect that to be the next thing I will publish


@Sucker4everything I'm sorry. I just don't feel comfortable doing those. I hope you can understand. 


@Sucker4everything  Hey uh why not do one with Stephen x Jay eyyyyy and just call me cry bro * He said smiling *........


So random lil story. So I was watching the comments of my story cause they are funny sometimes and a lot of people talk about the pan scene. Then a random thought popped into my mind.
          So when I was little there was a huge spider on my leg. I was so scared of the spider that I went into my kitchen and got a pan........ (I was in the living room) Yea I punched myself with a pan.
          Later on me and my parents were having the talk and my mom asks me:"What do you have to say. You just killed an innocent bug"
          I looked at her and without any expression on myself I said:"The pan was pretty affective"


So wattpad now has a dark mode....... Thank God 


@Sucker4everything just go to setting and there will be dark mode 


Which book would you want to see new chapter of. (Jay x reader is not an option cause I just did that chapter and danplanronpa is not an option cause I'm working on that chapter now) Tell me so I can know.
          Anyway peace out ✌️ 


So.... Daniel came back out of the blue..... I'm gonna go and cry in the corner 


@Sucker4everything  I JUST WATCH HIS VIDEO