
Chapter 17 is posted! 


I hope I can make you laugh through some cringe-worthy jokes!
          ❣️) What do you call a pig that does karate?
          -A pork chop
          ❣️) Why did the bike fall over?
          -It was two tired
          ❣️) Why did the man get hit by a bike every day?
          -He was stuck in a vicious cycle
          ❣️) What did the bartender say to the turkey sandwich when it tried to order a beer?
          -“Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”
          ❣️) Why do people say “break a leg” when you go on stage?
          -Because every play has a cast.
          ❣️) What do you call an alligator detective?
          -An investi-gator.
          ❣️) What kind of ghost has the best hearing?
          -The eeriest.
          ❣️) Why did the scarecrow win an award?
          -Because he was outstanding in his field
          ❣️) How do you tell if a vampire is sick?
          -See if he is coffin
          ❣️)  Why do bees have sticky hair?
          -Because they use honeycombs


Hello there! 
          if you dont want people posting their book, you can delete this post :) thank you for your time reading 
          However if you want to read romance books, my friend here wants to improve her writing skills and wanted to share her world through advertizing her book called HER  by wtf11gray If you do not like to read romance you can always visit her poetry: insomniac poetry, mr and ms poetry 


1K reads to The Abrupt Realities!!! Thank you all for your support! 


@tyceeh @chocogirl_279 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Sue__7 yes❤️ you go girl

