
I just uploaded a three-part chapter bundle to The Dog Whisperer; you guys deserve it ;)


Good luck on the stories and any troubles your having. You have my best regards. In my opinion, the best remedy for writers block is a good nights sleep with a break/vacation and some sweet daydreaming. Maybe some reading too. But you don't have to listen to me. Just know I haven't given up on you. Fighting!
          ❀.(*´▽`*)ノ❀.  ╭(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و ̑̑✧  


@FoxyHeartbreaker Aw thank you so much ^.^ I'm currently trying to gain the motivation to finish these first couple chapters, but I haven't given up either!


I'm long overdue for an update, so here's where I stand! Writer's block/procrastination has hit me tough. While I feel like I say that way too often, I have no clue how to overcome it.  I've been through seven different versions of Chapter Eighteen of Bonfire Hearts. Seven. That's ridiculous. And I still have yet to find one that I like, so with my luck, I'll end up combining them all into one god-awful chapter. But, I don't want to do that to you guys, so I think instead I'm just going to set Bonfire Hearts aside for now.
          Right now, I'm developing more of The Dog Whisperer. I have not given up on either one of these stories (nor will I!) I started The Dog Whisperer prematurely because I had typed out a prologue and liked it, so I wanted to post quickly. However, it needed much more work, and I'm finally ready to rewrite the first chapter (or few chapters, perhaps) after losing it when my laptop crashed back in November. I'm beyond pumped to start this story, and I'm hoping people haven't totally given up on it yet. As always, I appreciate your patience!


Update on my laptop situation: Okay, so I guess the hard drive on my laptop was actually dead or something...meaning that I had to get a brand new (...and sadly, clean) hard drive. This means that all of my stuff is gone. Luckily, I can just come back to Wattpad and copy and paste all of my stories into their documents, but it does mean that I lost both of my chapters that I'd been currently working.  For Bonfire Hearts, it's not a huge deal. I was maybe a couple sentences into Chapter Seventeen. As for The Dog Whisperer, well it sucks. I had a 13 page chapter that was nearly completed and now it's scrapped.
          So, I honestly can't say where I'm going to go from here. It's going to take a lot of motivation and productivity to rewrite The Dog Whisperer, but I'm planning on working on Bonfire Hearts this weekend (As well as hopefully giving it another new cover!). I can't say exactly when I'm going to be able to put out that first chapter for The Dog Whisperer. I apologize to all those who have been patiently waiting! I haven't forgotten about you guys!
          I do now have my laptop back, and even though I didn't have it for maybe a week and a half or so, I still missed writing. I hope put an update out as soon as I can! Thank you guys again for your patience!


I'm just going to come right out and say it: my laptop broke yesterday. I shed a couple tears on the inside, but it doesn't sound like the problem is too bad. Unfortunately, I have to send in my computer to be looked at and repaired, which can take anywhere from a few days to two weeks. Until then, I don't have access to my stories :( 
          However, when my laptop returns, my first update will probably be The Dog Whisperer, seeing as though I'm only two paragraphs into the next Bonfire Hearts chapter. You guys have managed to put me at a loss for words with the support for The Dog Whisperer. I mean 93 votes? Just on the prologue? That's spectacular, and it's convinced me that I need to put out the first chapter very soon here. Assuming there's nothing seriously wrong with my laptop, I should have that update within the next month (leaving leeway for repair time since I don't have an approximation over how long that will take). I just wanted to give you guys (including my new followers to who I say "welcome and thank you!") an update as to where I'm at right now. I appreciate your patience :)