
this message may be offensive
Hey did you think I died, lol. I’m back bitches and it’s fucking PRIDE MONTH LETS FUCKING GO ️‍️‍️‍! Anyway I’ve been gone for like two months and i have no clue if I should keep this book going or not. Life updates #1 no more school yayyyyy #2 I started watching Steven universe and I’m obsessed I just finished season two #3 I’m about to go cry to girl in red because my girl best friend who I like has plans to hang out with a guy she likes #4 watching the Lego movie 2 right now ✨BENNY DO YOU LIKE SPACE SPIPS✨ #5 in a mood because periods suck and because why not moods are my personality for real #6 STILL GAY AF LETS GO IM SO EXCITED FOR PRIDE MONTH YAYYYYYYYYY ️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍ ok bye for now if you wanna message my with writing ideas I might make a one shot book any who byeeeeeeeeeeee


@SummerStrawberry44  lol can relate
          	  Also will u continue righting ur book its SOO good


seriously not ok looking back that this was me, like we the hell was i. again i had to make another account cause i am not keeping these like, wattpad is kinda weird. anyway just wanted to say, that i am the writer of the book can you be mine, and it is like officially discontinued,a no has been, forever. i hate my old self, like literally makes me want to barf. i wish i could delete this profile. idk who cares, but if your still following this account, idk why, because  i hate my old self, and you should too. idk how i convinced my self i was gay, like wtf, i’m not, that’s why i hate tiktok and youtube, cause it convinced my i wasn’t straight, but news flash i am. and the shows i used to watch like owl house and stuff, i’m not hating but now they seem kinda kiddish, and really uncool, just gonna say that. so pls this is like not who i am now, and i wish i could kill my old self, but what ever, because hopefully the people who have read this horrible story i made, are reading this now, and know that old me is gone. i’m a new person, and idk why i’m even posting this like why am i on wattpad. just gonna burst everyone’s bubble hear but if your not happy with you life, just stop pretending you are by creating a fake person, that’s what i did, and this is what happened, just be you and don’t let others persuade you to be something your not, because it seems cool or what ever. that’s all i’m say for now, but just so you know this is the creator, that’s why i haven’t posted nothing, and why i won’t ever again. bye


Hii i love ur book 'will u be mine' its SOOOOO good! will u continue to write it?


            Great to know!


@raedaforever143 thank so much sorry it’s taken me a while to reply but just so you know I’m working on a chapter right now. It’s a bow 1/3ish percent done and I think it should be out within a week


this message may be offensive
Hey did you think I died, lol. I’m back bitches and it’s fucking PRIDE MONTH LETS FUCKING GO ️‍️‍️‍! Anyway I’ve been gone for like two months and i have no clue if I should keep this book going or not. Life updates #1 no more school yayyyyy #2 I started watching Steven universe and I’m obsessed I just finished season two #3 I’m about to go cry to girl in red because my girl best friend who I like has plans to hang out with a guy she likes #4 watching the Lego movie 2 right now ✨BENNY DO YOU LIKE SPACE SPIPS✨ #5 in a mood because periods suck and because why not moods are my personality for real #6 STILL GAY AF LETS GO IM SO EXCITED FOR PRIDE MONTH YAYYYYYYYYY ️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍ ok bye for now if you wanna message my with writing ideas I might make a one shot book any who byeeeeeeeeeeee


@SummerStrawberry44  lol can relate
            Also will u continue righting ur book its SOO good


Ok look for an update to night, it’s just that my sister forced me to go to sleep last night, but I will post in secrecy today hehe 


@SummerStrawberry44 Ok I get the day off tomorrow too for me it’s the weekend! And I feel bad for you with all that schoolwork my teacher barely gives us any homework to do. Term 2 just started for me so I’m class we haven’t been doing much! Anyway thanks for the story of your school/ life can’t wait for the next chapter!!


I’m sorry I literally only got 2 hours of sleep and had to wake up at 12am to finish a project that my partner in class did literally none of. I told my teacher that, but who knows I’m still waiting on my grade. Anyway I get a day of tomorrow and I can post than if my psycho mind lets me get any sleep. And yes the project took literally 12 HOURS OF ONLY A 2 HOUR SLEEP BREAK THAT SPLIT IT UP INTO 5 hours of work, and waking up at an ungodly hour to do 7 more hours of work. I had to color the whole thing cut out 160 TINY PIECES OF PAPER and glue them together in a 1 plus 1 pattern if you know what I mean, just two pieces for 1 card. And YES, I did rewatch 2 seasons of Dance moms while doing to whole thing. Anyways, I’m sorry for ranting but I needed to get that out for about the hundredth time. This is almost about 300 words, and that normally how long 1/4 of each chapter I write are, so you got a mini story about MY life today instead of Raine and Eda’s, but I do have a good chapter borderline planned out, so there will probably be some changes when I write it but it’s somewhat planned so it should be a very good and well structured one, not just the random nonsense that I post sometimes. Also thank you so much for reading my story, it means a lot, even if I don’t know you or you only read one chapter. Lots of Love (and tiredness) REX ❤️


@SummerStrawberry44 Update? Please I’m dying to know what happens next!


I’m really sorry about the sad chapter but the cliffhanger, even I’m worried about wants going happen. Yeah, even though I’m writing it so it’s kinda funny. But I don’t plan my chapters, I just go with the flow and when I start writing it just comes to me ya know. That’s why I say, just go for it (chapter three lol) but if you want to do something than do it, you never now what good could come from it, or what good it could do for other people. Anyways I’m not posting tonight but look for a now chapter some time this weekend. Byeeee, lots of love, from REX ❤️


I do the same when writing! Also, can’t wait to see what you come up with!!


Hey guys sorry the last chapter took forever to get out, but I think that it was worth the wait. If you haven’t read it please do because it was a very colorful chapter and I lot happened. Also it was kinda funny so if you need your daily dose of laughter this might be it. Well I got to head to school but be on the look out for another chapter tonight. ❤️