
Hello people!
          	First of all, thank you so so much for staying with us even after that big of a hiatus, even if there's only a few of you, you guys mean a lot to us <3
          	Second, we're back! Sun had a bit of a breakdown after the deleting of the smutshot book, but Sunbee's back on track with new content for y'all ;)
          	We're going to re-write and continue the smutshot book to Ao3 and create a new book on this account, so stay tuned on more info about that!
          	Again, thank you so much for staying, this little writing project of ours really means a bunch
          	Take care, and read y'all later!
          	- SunbeeOfficial


Hello people!
          First of all, thank you so so much for staying with us even after that big of a hiatus, even if there's only a few of you, you guys mean a lot to us <3
          Second, we're back! Sun had a bit of a breakdown after the deleting of the smutshot book, but Sunbee's back on track with new content for y'all ;)
          We're going to re-write and continue the smutshot book to Ao3 and create a new book on this account, so stay tuned on more info about that!
          Again, thank you so much for staying, this little writing project of ours really means a bunch
          Take care, and read y'all later!
          - SunbeeOfficial


this message may be offensive
The book got deleted-
          The whole thing, it's gone.
          I'm so fucking done with this site 


@ Negative-Man  The smutshots one-
            Our only book lmao


          If you have a minor CC in your pfp, write or have written fics abt them (that aren't platonic) or just straight up sexualise them, please don't all.
          Literally never get close, or interact or anything, just never contact us in our  entire life.
          Thank you. 


Hey sweeties, Sun here
          Just a quick update on the book, I'm working (yeah I'M, because SOMEONE IS BUSY IN OTHE-) in three new chapters! Sorry for taking too long, I haven't had the time or mental stability to continue before but here I am!
          Also, thank you so so much for supporting our book! I'm really proud on ourselves, and our work and omg ilysm 
          Last thing, we need requests for more chapters-
          We're both pretty creative, yeah
          But sometimes we're out of ideas and there it's difficult for us to keep writing :[
          Soooo if you could pleeeeaseee leave some requests on the comments (of the first chapter, easier for us to find) we would appreciate it so much <3
          Thank you for reading, following and supporting, los queremos mucho ❤️
          - Sun, creator of awesome and bread lover