
Guess what!!? School is almost over!!! Who else is thrilled that the school year is easing into summer (freedom!)? I know I am! Summer means free time, and free time means more time spent on my writing. I will admit that I am not totally confident in my ability to write stories, but as an author I believe that all of you deserve a great story that inspires you to be better versions of yourselves. So, I feel that it is only fair that I publish some of my writing so that, if you look deep enough, you can see my development as a person and be encouraged to grow too.
          	I hope to post much, much more this month and the following months. These posts will likely be updates and continuations of books that I have already published, though I have several other drafts that I have considered sharing. If you are interested in reading anything I do post, hang in there! I assure you that I am going to spend much of my time writing away! Thank you for your immense patience! (And if you have any advice, I’m thankful and open to it. I’m still a new author and I am still growing in my skill) Happy Friday!


Guess what!!? School is almost over!!! Who else is thrilled that the school year is easing into summer (freedom!)? I know I am! Summer means free time, and free time means more time spent on my writing. I will admit that I am not totally confident in my ability to write stories, but as an author I believe that all of you deserve a great story that inspires you to be better versions of yourselves. So, I feel that it is only fair that I publish some of my writing so that, if you look deep enough, you can see my development as a person and be encouraged to grow too.
          I hope to post much, much more this month and the following months. These posts will likely be updates and continuations of books that I have already published, though I have several other drafts that I have considered sharing. If you are interested in reading anything I do post, hang in there! I assure you that I am going to spend much of my time writing away! Thank you for your immense patience! (And if you have any advice, I’m thankful and open to it. I’m still a new author and I am still growing in my skill) Happy Friday!


Hey can you read a story written by me 


@arshi23 I’m sorry, I don’t read stories with mature content. I would love to if it was not labeled mature, and I would love to support your story if I could. Sorry again, but it is simply outside my taste in books. Good luck with your writing! 


I’m lonely, and I want it to be summer already. School is one great big distraction for me, looming over my head and holding me away from any current works that I have here on Wattpad. I’m trying to stay active and finish some new chapters (or new stories) so that y’all have something to read, but it is difficult for me to stay on top of this. However, I am becoming more committed to writing and I’m definitely going to try harder to post more! I love all of you who support me and care about me, even if it is silently! ❤️ Love you all! Thank you for you ceaseless patience.


Okay, I really, really feel bad. Guys, I have apparently been getting private messages, and for whatever reason, Wattpad hadn’t been showing them in my messages. I’m so sorry! If I had known, I would’ve replied. I think it’s a little late to reply to a lot of them (some of them were from one-two years ago...), so if you happened to send me a private message and I never replied, please don’t think I was ignoring you! I love you all and, if I had known, I would’ve replied as soon as I possibly could! Hopefully, this is not an ongoing problem and it has cleared up. Thanks for your patience! (My friends must be the most patient people in the world to put up with me. XD)


@SunberryPops   We love you to bits!! ❤️ 


I did it. I swear, I have no clue why I’m freaked out about this, but anyway, I really hope you guys like it! If you could, I’d love to hear some feedback. If you like the story, let me know! If you hate it, please tell me why, or explain how I can improve. Thank you!! ♥️♥️♥️


@SunberryPops   YOU DID ITTT!!! YAAYYYY!!! ❤️ I’M SO EXCITED!!! ❤️ CONGRATS!!! *confettis everything* 


Here is the description. I know it is a little vague, but I do intend on editing it later on. I’m feeling a little more confident in this, but I’m still not sure. Now I’m going to go triple check my writing for spelling errors and poorly written sentences 
          Alaya is the princess of one of the final free kingdoms of the world, Twilight. As the only child of the king and one of the last remaining relatives of the king before, she knows she will have to step up and become queen some day. She had always believed that, by then, the war would be over and she could spend the rest of her days with her father in peace.
          But then her father is murdered, and she is forced to take her place as ruler all too soon. Subjects who once respected her have begun to doubt her strength, and the war grows exceedingly closer. In the middle of it all is her strange magic, something she knows very little about.
          In a desperate chase for answers she has long sought, Alaya pursues the murderer of her father and the answers to an even bigger question: how is she to end the war? As new foes arise where allies once were, she must choose her friends carefully, and choose her enemies even more carefully.


@SunberryPops   You can totally do it!!! ❤️ and it might be because you’ve worked so hard on it. And you love it a lot. It’s hard to do things like this sometimes. XD 


@CuzICan14 Okay... okay, I think I can do this... Lol I don’t know why I’m afraid to post this one, usually I’d just post the books and not worry about it 




I am currently debating whether or not I should post one of my most favorite books. I love it too much to see it fail, but I also love it too much to keep it from everyone else. I’ve been editing it big time so that it looks neat and interesting, but I’m still doubtful that it would be worth posting. Sorry, I’m in desperate need for a confidence boost  I know I can come off a bit whiny or self-centered, but I’m just not sure my books deserve your time anyway.
          I will be posting the description later so that you can have a small taste of the book, but if you do like the idea or at least see that it could be an interesting read, please let me know! Even if it’s just leaving a heart emoji on the description post. Thank you for your support and follows, y’all! ♥️♥️♥️






Thank you so much for your interest in my story!! I'm anxious to see what else you'll be saying as you progress.


@SunberryPops Aw, I understand. I really hope you do get a chance soon as I'm always anxious to receive new readers. 


@SpinyKyverna thank you! ♥️ I’m eager to keep reading, but life is pretty busy right now. Can’t wait to find a break so I can continue


Hey there 
          This is the amazing person award. Once you are given this award you have to send this to other amazing people who, in your opinion, deserve it just like you. Please try not to break the chain, even though nothing will happen if you do.  
          (You don’t have to. I just got sent it and wanted to send it t you. Lol.) 


@SunberryPops   And you deserve a trillion! ❤️ 


Yeah I’m not gonna, but you deserve a billion @CuzICan14