
          	This is the last time I’ll be posting on this account but I thought I’d come here and promote my things!
          	My digital art commissions are open they’re pretty cheap since I’m very new to commissions.
          	I do them via Artistree if you’re interested and would like the link DM me!
          	PATREON/ KO-FI:
          	If you’d like to support me at all i do have a Ko-fi 
          	Again, Dm me if you’d like the link
          	I have also made a patreon - it’s super cheap and has extended and exclusive NSFW stories featuring my Oc’s
          	Any support would mean to the world to me as I am a student in a single parent family and I’m trying to help out the best I can. 
          	Thank you ♥️


          This is the last time I’ll be posting on this account but I thought I’d come here and promote my things!
          My digital art commissions are open they’re pretty cheap since I’m very new to commissions.
          I do them via Artistree if you’re interested and would like the link DM me!
          PATREON/ KO-FI:
          If you’d like to support me at all i do have a Ko-fi 
          Again, Dm me if you’d like the link
          I have also made a patreon - it’s super cheap and has extended and exclusive NSFW stories featuring my Oc’s
          Any support would mean to the world to me as I am a student in a single parent family and I’m trying to help out the best I can. 
          Thank you ♥️


Reasons I post here:
          When I’m sad and am too nervous to talk openly to people because I’m scared I’ll overwhelm them and drive them away,so I head to my smallest platform to vent in a self- deprecating way that In turn makes me other think even more.
          Or to make false promises about updating my stories lmao 


Thank you!! I’m feeling a lot better 


@SunflowerYume sending hugs! ❤ talking to people in person IS hard 


this message may be offensive
Why do I feel more comfortable posting shit here instead of my main accounts where I actually post??? 


@SunflowerYume now I kind of wanna see your other accounts :) lol your work is so amazing, I was literally screaming in my room as I read all your stories xD either from sadness, happiness, or NESSness