
One last time, my friends. Fall of the Packs: Even Unto Death is up! As with the last two books, it's been completed and it's really short, so if you've got some time to spare maybe give it a look. Read it here:


It only took 10 months but I finally finished it. Fall of the Packs: Void is at last up! Just like the last one it's been entirely finished, so go ahead and check it out at your leisure. Read it here:


@zaffreflare Thank you! I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance :)


@Sunfrost23 idk when I'll have time to read this but !! I'm so excited!! congrats on finishing the book :)


Hey, Veronica! I've been checking up on old friends and just couldn't leave you out :) I know you're not too active anymore, but I still needed to leave a message for ya. How are you? Is everything going okay? I miss you, and I hope we get to talk again sometime! :3


(Gert? Thanks, autocorrect...? X3 *get


@Sunfrost23 Ah, it's nothing ;) I'm facing some writer's block as well, so I completely understand - and don't Gert me started on YouTube addictions... XD No problem! I've been doing well, thank you for asking. Life's a bit crazy due to school and tests and all that; hence why I'm so excited for the weekend! :p


@zaffreflare Hi there! First of all, I'm flattered that you're thinking of me. ^-^ And yeah, everything's going all right, I just haven't had much inspiration for my books lately. And I got minorly addicted to watching superhero movies and related YouTube videos, so... yeah. That's mostly what I've been wasting my time on. I guess I haven't been in an incredibly bookish mood lately so I haven't been on here as much, but never fear! I haven't abandoned my stories forever. Once again, thanks for your concern. :) How have you been?


@Sunfrost23 THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the votes on Tacenda! I'm beyond happy that you support my writing and have voted for my works. Thank you again!


@Sunfrost23 I'm really glad you thought so - it means the world to me! :D


@jadewolf334 Oh, you're very welcome! It was a cool story! :)


Hey! I'm super pumped about Fall of the Packs: Book 2 and I wanted to ask you... Could you please let readers know when it's coming out? Like, a week or something before you'll most likely publish it? Because I need to read it as soon as possible!!! ;) I hope you'll consider this request. Thanks! (And good luck with your writing!) -a devoted reader (Lol you know who I am :P)


@Sunfrost23 I understand but... I nearly broke my computer when I read this.  I just really want to know what will happen with the Fall of the Packs. Ooh, short stories! I'm actually thinking of doing the same thing. If you do, I'd love to see what you decide to write about. Well, good luck on your writing! :)


@jadewolf334 Well, first, thank you so much for being so kind! The fact that you love my books so much makes me really happy. :)
            Unfortunately, I'm having a lot of trouble writing this one because it doesn't have as much of a plot as Dire Warnings did which makes it twice as hard to right. So. I'm working on it, but it may be awhile. :( Sorry!
            In the meantime, though, I might be releasing some short stories and some PickleClan stuff, but it's not guaranteed.