
Happy new years! Honestly I’m feeling pretty disoriented, I think that it might just be all the drinking, but here we are! I’m pretty surprised I’m still alive but I hope you will be too in three hundred sixty-five days. To a better year than the last! Onward to 2023! 
          	Wait, what do you mean it’s 2024? What are you- oh god! What happened to 2023?! Did we just skip it? I need more tequila.


@Super-Cool-Potato happy new year to you and your loved ones ❤ 


I think you should know that Wattpad is going to update its guidelines on the 15th and they're adding violence of any kind to it along with underage sexual relationships 
          If your content has either of these they could technically take down your story and or delete it I thought I would give you this morning to help you store it away so it does not get deleted


Happy new years! Honestly I’m feeling pretty disoriented, I think that it might just be all the drinking, but here we are! I’m pretty surprised I’m still alive but I hope you will be too in three hundred sixty-five days. To a better year than the last! Onward to 2023! 
          Wait, what do you mean it’s 2024? What are you- oh god! What happened to 2023?! Did we just skip it? I need more tequila.


@Super-Cool-Potato happy new year to you and your loved ones ❤ 


this message may be offensive
The other night I was watching reels on Instagram and the song ‘Stronger Than You, Frisk:Ver’ smacked me in the face with a hammer and took me back eight years into the past. I hate to admit it, but I had an UnderTale phase. Luckily I didn’t know about Wattpad at the time so I was spared some things that would have haunted my Pre-teen mind. But I did listen to about every song parody out there. I remember loving all the Au’s people came up and wanted create my own. Unfortunately I did not have the creative and imaginary mind I have now and no knowledge of where to even make it. But eight years later I found myself daydreaming of what kind of story I would have written at the time. It would have been awesome.
          I don’t just miss the game, I miss eight years ago when I was just a dumb kid playing Minecraft. Well, I’m a dumb adult now who still plays Minecraft but that’s besides the point. Now, all’s that’s left is to forget about UnderTale then remember it all over again. I still find it crazy how sometimes just one word can bring up so many memories.


@Super-Cool-Potato we all have those phases in our past that we simultaneously cringe and reminisce about. The nostalgia is real


@Super-Cool-Potato hey I was just wondering, on your story 'A failed summoning to another world' its only letting me read up to chapter 22, are there more chapters? Because that seems like a story you would be able to keep interest in, but I dont know, just looking for some clarity


@Tony_NR Damn, never thought I’d hear someone say something like that to me, like ever. Thanks man, I’m happy to have inspired you.  Just remember the larger the word count the longer it takes to complete which is why I lowered my minimum. If you want to be consistent stick with what you can do and are comfortable with. I wish you luck in the future.


@Super-Cool-Potato thank you, my goal is to have at LEAST 1000 words per chapter, it's not much but it's better than 300 word chapters I had on my old acc, I've come a long way since I started writing, but I'm nowhere near where I want to be, you are a role model to me though and my goal is to be where you are, writing 8k words minimum, thank you for inspiring me


@Tony_NR Totally forgot to respond to you, my bad. I had my answer completely thought out in my head and everything but forgot to actually text it out and to you.
            For me writing long chapters comes so naturally to the point where it’s a problem. The way I do it is I have how I have the chapter begins and how I want it to end before I start. Then as I write the in between stuff I’ll have an idea or an interaction between characters I want to put in so I’ll do just that and suddenly I’m at my word goal before I’m even halfway to the end.
            I’m sure that doesn’t work for everyone so my actual advice would be to add whatever you’d like as long as it fits and is interesting, go into detail about the surroundings if the MC is looking around and the actions of the characters as they talk, and lastly just let it happen. I’m not sure how long you plan on making chapters but having an approximate word count in mind is always a good start. Also, please keep in mind I am no professional and you could very well get better advice simply by asking our lord and saviour Google.