
May 25th Update : 
          	 To all my readers and followers I’ll be refocusing this accounts genre and content that is to be announced when done. Due to changes in my life and other things many of the series I’ve had planned have been cancelled or deleted from here. My goal is to make something that I can be proud enough of to be worth staying up. Since writing is more of a side hobby at this point it’s increasingly hard to find time to do. 
          	 However I am working on a pilot for a new story and / or short story that I will be releasing as soon as it’s finished. In terms of genre I will be steering away from romance or mainly LGBT+ centered fiction so that any work I release is more relevant to my other content. Don’t worry though LGBT+ characters will still be present in my stories. 
          	 I’m sorry for the inactivity and hopefully this year I can release some new stuff to make you guys, gals, and enby’s happy. 


May 25th Update : 
           To all my readers and followers I’ll be refocusing this accounts genre and content that is to be announced when done. Due to changes in my life and other things many of the series I’ve had planned have been cancelled or deleted from here. My goal is to make something that I can be proud enough of to be worth staying up. Since writing is more of a side hobby at this point it’s increasingly hard to find time to do. 
           However I am working on a pilot for a new story and / or short story that I will be releasing as soon as it’s finished. In terms of genre I will be steering away from romance or mainly LGBT+ centered fiction so that any work I release is more relevant to my other content. Don’t worry though LGBT+ characters will still be present in my stories. 
           I’m sorry for the inactivity and hopefully this year I can release some new stuff to make you guys, gals, and enby’s happy. 


Hey everyone happy new year! My first book will release shortly in its first part with a prologue and 16 chapters to start, with more parts to come! As well I’m also working on a short story idea that may become a series if it’s well liked. Check my bio for updates and potential release dates for my projects coming soon! Happy new year! 


The Vigilante is on break until further notice, for several reasons. I wasn’t happy with where it was going and it lacked originality and uniqueness for an action story. If I come back to it, it will probably have to be completely rewritten from the ground up. 
          Currently working on a brand new project which will be released as soon as I can, I’m taking my time with this one. Updates won’t be weekly but will be really good in terms of quality and content material. This book will be a very, very long one so I think you all will enjoy it! Can’t wait! 


@Super-Hikaru looking forward to it!