
Hi! I hope you all are having a lovely day. 
          	I’m making this announcement because I have what is probably the shell of a novel written, but nobody to tell me if it’s any good! If you’re interested in becoming a critic, pm me and I can send you a copy of what I have.
          	Anyway, have an amazing day, my darlings and Merry Christmas!


Hi! I hope you all are having a lovely day. 
          I’m making this announcement because I have what is probably the shell of a novel written, but nobody to tell me if it’s any good! If you’re interested in becoming a critic, pm me and I can send you a copy of what I have.
          Anyway, have an amazing day, my darlings and Merry Christmas!


I’ve officially started the sequel to Ender Wiggins Last Game. The first chapter is pretty short, but I do hope you like it. There should be another update soon. 
          I hope you have a lovely day, my sweets. Y’all deserve it. 


I’m still not uploading anything. I really want to, but I won’t. I’m here to discuss exactly what I see and to ask that you hear me out. 
          The BLM movement is not what it seems. If you can see that, good for you. If you can’t, I’m not so sure I’ll be able to change your mind. 
          The BLM movement is further diving black and white populations and therefore, dividing our country. 
          To black people and people a part of BLM: the white community is not your enemy. The police don’t need to be defunded, the need to BE funded and refurbished because our current cops should not have power. Enlightenment values are NOT racist and neither is science. 
          To white people and people a part of ALM and WLM: You are feeling threatened because you are being threatened. Even so, I ask you to take a good look at the other side because despite their ridiculous claims and requests, their feelings are real. 
          For those who wish the better for this country: Go to this link

          If you are underage, tell your parents about it. Tell your friends, your enemies. This may be the only way to keep us from civil war.


I appreciate anything you write. But take your time. I want you to want to write and feel comfortable doing so. You know I’ll be waiting as always. What I’m going through is gonna take several years or more to fully get through. It’ll get better as time goes on but distractions are always good. Games are my main distraction right now. Thanks for the encouragement. 
            P.S. I may not be fully aware of everything going on in the world right now but you can always message me if you want to talk. I’m always here. 


            The most I can do is a one-shot at the moment. I just don’t feel right writing when I know I can put it to better use elsewhere. I don’t know what you’re going through, but I do know that you’ll get through it. You’re strong.
            P.S. Your comments also put a smile on my face


Super bummed you won’t be updating but I get it. Everything is a mess right now. I’m staying away from world news right now due to personal stuff going on but I know the general situation. At least I know not to expect updates from you for awhile. I’ve been watching for them. They help me relax and smile. Stay safe and as always, I’ll be awaiting more from you. 


I won't be updating any of my stories for a while because I think we need to step back and look at the world and our nation. 
          I heavily encourage whoever reads this to stay safe and strong amid the chaos no matter your color. As it stands, I believe that whether you are Black, Asian, White, Hispanic, etc., when things start getting violent, we are all in danger. Some more than others. 
          That's why I'm asking, pleading for whoever reads this to take a step back and look at our world. Be careful about what you choose to do and please try to keep out of danger and away from the riots. Take part of the peaceful protests, but if it becomes a riot, DO NOT TAKE PART.
          Let's do our best to rebuild trust within our nation, not burn it down.
          Stay safe, and have a lovely night, my darlings.