
Hey guys! I am working on an update right now! It's coming a little slow because I got a new tattoo today on my wrist so it keeps rubbing up on my laptop and hurts lol. Be on the look out tonight!


Alright guys I have to push my update to tomorrow. I hurt myself somehow and finding it really hard to type right now. I'm not sure what I did but my shoulder is killing me. I'm right now in the debate do I go to the doctor or sleep it off. I promise an update tomorrow as long as my shoulder is feeling better. I just wish I knew what I did to it. It's been like this for like a month now and progressively getting worse haha. Ah the joys of being a millennial. Waiting till you have no choice but to go to the doctor haha. Enough rambling I will keep you posted and if all is well plan on posting a few times tomorrow. Have a great day/night guys!!!! HAPPY READING!!!!


Okay guys I finally posted an update! Life has been super crazy since the last time I posted anything! I got married, moved again had some health issues found an amazing job. Its been a wild ride, but now I am back! I know I have said that before but this time I mean it! I can't wait to finish my current story and I also have more stories planned but right now I will be focusing on "Far Away" Happy reading! <3


Hello hello everyone! I hope all is well with you guys, and I am sure a lot of you want answers as to when I will be updating stories. Well I have answers. I know I have said time and time again that I have been working on them, and I have. I just haven't updated them because I guess I am overly critical on myself and I don't want to publish anything that I myself am not happy with, so with that being said I have a few announcements. With the birth of Liam's son I am currently revamping "Story of my life, so the timeline now makes sense. I will be adding him as a character, so be on the lookout for a revamped version of the story. I hope to have it posted tonight, but only time will tell since I am working on it now. I now have a functioning computer to where I can write with ease. My story "Change your life" the 4th installment of my Narry saga is indefinitely on hold as I am just out of ideas for that series. I have tried and tried, but nothing seems to be working, so it has since been removed from public view for now. I don't want new readers finding it, and then being disappointed that it has not been updated. Once I feel I can return to it I will. "Saw you from the stage will also be going through a revisal, so be looking for that as well. Finally I am excited to announce that I also have a new story in the works! It's still a 1D fan fic, and Niall is the focal point. It's working title is "Far Away" I am not sure if that will be the final title. We will see. Hope to be posting soon! I hope as soon as tonight! For now I am off to work on the stories. I at least want to have an prologue for the new story posted tonight, maybe even the first chapter. We will see!


Hey guys I need some help. There is a story I read and I can't find it and I have no idea what it's called. I just remember what happens. It's a niam with larry. Starts the guys off in xfactor at the xfactor house. Liam and Niall like each other they at one point are at a cabin while Liam is dating g Danielle she agrees to be his fake gf so he can be with Niall and she can be with her gf Harry dies at the end of cancer and they always go to his grave on the anniversary of the band. That's about all I remember. Any help finding it would be great 


Do you still want to update something? 


@awigruen Sorry for the long wait for a reply! The app never showed me this. I do still want to update my works that need it, and I have been working on them, they are just well they have run me dry on ideas for them. I am trying though. Is there a particular one you are currently waiting on to be updated? I am also working on a new story idea to see where it goes. I am just too overly critical on myself so I don't want to post them until they are perfect in my mind. Hope that answers what you wanted to know. Sorry again that it took so long. I just now saw this.


Alright  guys got some updates for you! I know I haven't updated anything in a long while, but sadly life has been nuts, but I'm here, and I have been writing! I have a new story in the works, and will be trying to continue others are well! I don't have a time frame yet, but as soon as I do I will let you know. I however will be posting a preview of an upcoming project!