
Alllllllll right! So it's the Psycho Pass Watty Awards here~
          	We're calling for all judges (@lucianariveramolina and @LinkThePokemon) that we're preparing for the judging in June, and we want you to be alert 'cuz we're going to ask you to judge (obviously, since you're judges).
          	And... we still don't have any moderators? C'mon guys, we really need one, but... if you guys don't really want to... we'll be working harder (dunno if that'll actually be true though).
          	'Kay, currently, the actual judging date is undecided, but we'd notify everyone if we decided on one already.
          	P.S. I noticed that there are categories that only have 2 stories nominated , so I decided to give you guys a gift:
          	All those categories with 2 stories or more will be called 'Valid Category'
          	It's only the first year and first contest, so it's a gift.
          	And, signing out~


Alllllllll right! So it's the Psycho Pass Watty Awards here~
          We're calling for all judges (@lucianariveramolina and @LinkThePokemon) that we're preparing for the judging in June, and we want you to be alert 'cuz we're going to ask you to judge (obviously, since you're judges).
          And... we still don't have any moderators? C'mon guys, we really need one, but... if you guys don't really want to... we'll be working harder (dunno if that'll actually be true though).
          'Kay, currently, the actual judging date is undecided, but we'd notify everyone if we decided on one already.
          P.S. I noticed that there are categories that only have 2 stories nominated , so I decided to give you guys a gift:
          All those categories with 2 stories or more will be called 'Valid Category'
          It's only the first year and first contest, so it's a gift.
          And, signing out~


          We got a new judge! *celebrates* And our new judge is @LinkThePokemon! 
          Now our Judging Panel is fully occupied, but if a user is deemed worthy, a special third seat will be opened for him or her~
          AND! What about our Moderators? Still none! Just a piece of info, but a Moderator can also act as a judge (more like the head judge) whilst having admin like privileges! (Not fully admin like though). A Moderator will have as much responsibilities as the admins, but the mod will have the special power of the Head Judge! And the Voting Counselor!
          Also, a Moderator will act as an admin should both of us, Saraez_1234 and yours truly, XxSilver_RavenxX, are unable to comply to our duties because of reasons. But beware, shall you take advantage of the power given to you, you'll receive special punishment~. (Kidding, really. But you'll still be punished).
          And the punishment will only be known when a Moderator is elected. 
          But, I don't mean to scare you, since we really need somebody who can truly help us. 
          And! Our very first valid entry! *drum rolls* Belongs to @Cheshire_Doll! Dead to the World {Psycho-pass Fanfic} is now officially a candidate!
          Keep your entries coming~
          XxSilver_RavenxX (Next time I type an announcement, I'll use Ren)


Second announcement to every single soul that will see this, and is a fan of Psycho Pass~
          As you can all see by our About section, we already have our first judge, @lucianariveramolina! *celebrates* 
          And since she took the position of  the first judge, that means that we only have one spot left for the Judging Panel. But wait, we still have our Moderator's position vacant!
          Being our Moderator is like the second-in-command to us admins. And you can help us A LOT. As the Psycho Pass Watty Awards (aka Sybil System Awards) is new, we need a Moderator who can control the system if, I repeat, IF none of us admins are able to. That would mean that a Moderator can have admin powers when needed. Abuse of powers will have its certain punishment, so watch out. Only elected Moderators will know about it.
          So~ I hope that someone would finally step up and apply for our vacant positions~ If you do, we will be very grateful.


Announcement to every single soul that will see this, and is a fan of Psycho Pass.
          As all of you can see, we are currently recruiting Moderators and Judges for the Judging Panel. I, XxSilver_RavenxX, and Saraez_1234 may be the admins, but we cannot handle the Moderator and Judge position ourselves. 
          So please, one to two persons for Mod position and two for the Judges please? 