
New cover for “A Lovely Princess and her Faithful Servant”!
          	It’s technically the draft of it, but it should be fully uploaded in a few days :’)


After such a long time, Chapter Nine is finally finished sobs
          Slowly setting up for the climax of the first arc, and I’m just gonna tell you guys that,,, you aren’t ready for what I have planned for the climax of arc 1 lmao.
          I’m predicting I have about five? Six-ish chapters until the end of the first arc? After that it’s a time skip wooooo
          And god, I’ve been waiting for this time skip for as long as you guys have sobs
          Anyway, enjoy the new chapter guys!


A lot of you must be waiting for the next chapter of “A Lovely Princess and her Faithful Servant”, so just a small status update on that—the next chapter is finished! But I’m planning to upload three chapters at once, which is why it’s taking longer ahaha. Chapter Seven is finished, Chapter Eight is about 90% finished, and then after that is Chapter Nine! Or would it be preferred to just post these two chapters while waiting for the Ninth?


Hello author I just want to say that your a lovely princess and her faithful servant is such an amazing story and I am curious when the next update will be? 


Hello! The next chapter is nearly finished, I’ve just been preoccupied with work and school finals to get ready for college. It should be finished soon though, so no need to wait too long!




@Sylver_Drawer Slr- TwT
            I'm a fan of your wmmap fanfic! <33


O no I’m a bit late, but Hello!


So, to anyone who still liked “FT13Gen: Kagami”, I apologize but I’m going to completely rewrite it. Yup. Completely.
          It’s going to have a different plot, it still won’t stray that much from what I had in mind, but it will still have a different outcome. Some characters’ personalities will completely change (like Yura), some characters I might completely get rid of (that includes love interests), and some I might just alter them a bit.
          I’m also going to change the title. 
          Thirteen Generations: Heart Of Ice