
Syzygy here 
          	Updates will resume on starting Wednesday. 
          	Reason why i didn't do updates one word that students hate EXAMS. 
          	RWBY Reaction inbound you guys decide the kamen riders who will come out any era is acceptable.I'll decide the first one Y/N ( reader ) on volume one for the other volumes it will be up to you guys, I will keep a tally on your choice so vote
          	GGZ will be delayed sorry about that. Expect it around in the middle of June 


@Syzygy36 Exam...We always have the same thing to hate as a student eh?


Syzygy here 
          Updates will resume on starting Wednesday. 
          Reason why i didn't do updates one word that students hate EXAMS. 
          RWBY Reaction inbound you guys decide the kamen riders who will come out any era is acceptable.I'll decide the first one Y/N ( reader ) on volume one for the other volumes it will be up to you guys, I will keep a tally on your choice so vote
          GGZ will be delayed sorry about that. Expect it around in the middle of June 


@Syzygy36 Exam...We always have the same thing to hate as a student eh?


Hey,do you watched Super Sentai?


And you will make Archons VS Geiz?


@ Syzygy36 41 Main Kamen Riders from Ichigo to Gotchard and 49 Main Protagonists Sentai Warriors from Akarenger to Bun Red


@ Syzygy36 but with more series


Syzygy here,
          I've decided to change the Genshin riders Y/N will use and it will be the Secondary Riders. Now that I think about it, It'd be an insult not giving them a chance without them the primary riders would not be able to shine and take the stage easily so yeah if you don't agree i don't care this is still my book, I won't change the kabuto usage cause it's already there but i have a plan for it already so hang on tight. Just a little bit more lore reading and the GGZ book is dropping soon
          Spoilers for the Khanri'ah event. The Archons who were present there will be meeting/facing the Kyūseishu
          Peace out and Stay safe


@Syzygy36 this is fine, Y/N still can use Geiz Majesty or Diend Complete Form in future


@Syzygy36 well I thought an idea that to give a chance the second rider will be with along with the main rider like
            Genshin: Heisei 1 main and secondary
            Honkai: Heisei 2 main and secondary
            Star rail: the evil and dark rider
            GGZ: reiwa main and secondary
            Lika that to make it more fun and give them all chance to show


@ Syzygy36  woah. But again that's alright since the genshin world are safer.


Quick Question to my dear followers
          Are you guys okay with me blocking/muting people from reading my book if they don't like it? And if they are feel free to @me and I'll block/mute them immediately 
          Lately I've been getting a lot of "well actually" types of people who don't understand the meaning of fiction and for fun. They want me to actually follow the outverse, multiverse whatnot rule of collaborating and judging characters. What's wrong with having an op character who don't follow the rules to have fun 
          Excuse the rant but they are really getting on my nerves


@Syzygy36 it's fine. Even if it means to block/mute me for my stupidity if that happens when I become one of them. But no, I won't do that if I were to read.
            So don't give up and keep going. Don't end up like me. 


@Syzygy36 it!...dont let it stop you from writing more books author!


Do it man it you book no one can insult your work except yourself