
I've currently taken down , Wicked Daze , Blue and Grey and On and Off. Because those need severe changes and heavy editing. Will be back with something better by April - 
          	Till then to author got exams. 


It's been a while babygirl
          I'm so sorry y'all ,that I went on a hiatus without any notice. I didn't even inform my co author I'm guilty for that. But I got caught up with school stuff that's what happened. Now my account will be on again with me uploading mistaken death next Monday. 
          So sorry. I apologise. A lot ❣️
          And happy birthday to joonie 


Thank you all for 1k views on "IF WE MEET" 
          AND AS IT IS -- 
          there won't be much updates for a while - no constant updates for two weeks coz exams suck. I will upload the ones I've already wrote completely - the other's can wait till I finish the exams. 
          Thank you again !! 


@Syzygy_sin  BTW we're two authors one's from Italy and the other from vegas , but rn both in india ~


@Syzygy_sin where u from author