
I just had the worst Calculus 3 Final Exam and I’m on the verge of having a panic attack because of the 5 shots of espresso I had + a whole day of being awake!


@TAI_59V  just remember to breath things will look up eventually 


I just had the worst Calculus 3 Final Exam and I’m on the verge of having a panic attack because of the 5 shots of espresso I had + a whole day of being awake!


@TAI_59V  just remember to breath things will look up eventually 


Are you continuing mute & abused mate? I'm enjoying this story very much. The sequel looks good as well. Hope all is well and you continue to write...


Hey there, OF COURSE, I’m just currently bury with college and my finals are near but I’ll try to to upload and write some chapters 


You know  シ…. What amuse me more than anything in this world  is the way some parents raises their children.
          Some parents deals with it by yelling and shouting even if the kid didn’t do anything wrong, they always deal with it by shouting and yelling. 
          “ And yells and shouts becomes a clear fear of the child when they grow up”
          Some parents deals with it by beating, Hitting and slapping, all the time. No Matter what it is, it’s always dealt with that way.
          “ Sudden movements and hand gestures makes them flinch in fear”
          Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve dealt with both.
          Imagine it.
          But the thing is that I can’t get revenge for the young little me because they healed and started acting like proper parents


@TAI_59V  Ikr how much I try but I can’t hold a grudge against them because at the end they are still my parents and started acting like parents but I still feel like I have to be cautious and on guard around them…… anyways I hope you are doing good ❤️❤️


Thank you for reading my story ❤️❤️
          I hope you know me lol 
          Love ya ❤️❤️✨✨


Love ya too I guess ♡´・ᴗ・`♡


Your welcome, 
            I enjoyed it 
            Buuuttt HUH?!  
            Do I Know You?  I’m sorry 