
Update for “Whimsical”, chapter 5: Spirits, Girls, Shenanigans, about 10.1K done this chapter, I’m outta here~!


Is there a order to read your fanfiction?


@Oldest_Dream369 Yes there technically is 


Guess I’ll update the Nikke story soon as well. Realise it’s been a while… 


@TZOmniverse it's going to be a another tensura but this it's going to be like that one boi in terms of character only little insane but unsure if I want to put mature like said boi and you want do you think?


@TZOmniverse hey man i need your say for a future story after my tensura book


yo dawg, heard you like girls punching dragons, so here is a girl in karaoke armor punching an alien god while singing


@chakravartinjoestar Badass. I plan on starting the anime in a few days so I can plan a story around it. I’ll let you know how that goes. 


Ladies and gents, Arc II - Chapter I has been of Surmounting the Insurmountable has been published, enjoy~!


@TZOmniverse hey man question is niji in thar time I become the infinite have a female flame chaser harem (minus griso of course)?


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Just saw that cutscene in Genshin me was tremendously disappointed. Is it only me that’s noticed the Travellers lacklustre performance lately? He should be way stronger than many others at this point but while plot armour usually works in other characters favour, it seems the plot is always trying to drag him down. Who the fuck is in charge of writing here cause they can’t keep getting away with this bullshit?
          If the only way to make other characters stand out is by weakening the main characters then you have yourself a major skill issue. Aether/Lumine have become the laughing stock of HoYoverse MC’s and I don’t see that changing any time soon.


@TZOmniverse fr, you'd expect the MC to be the avatar now by having 5 elements unlocked... But they still use the Dull Blade with 1 element only 


@AmineBachir Oh for sure. I’m not criticising HoYo as a whole. They do good storytelling for the most part and the dev team for Honkai Impact is a different dev team for Genshin, so I know not to involve the other games in terms of writing for Genshin specifically. And even Genshin isn’t all that bad in terms of the world and other characters but it’s a little frustrating that the traveller still being treated like a bitch when he’s the MC and asides from that all the facts point to him at least being able to put up more of a fight again at “Father” even if he doesn’t end up winning. 


@TZOmniverse and Himeko dying is a common trope, she was the support pillar of the protagonist who had to die to make the MC grow up and realize their profession is not a game, followed by character development and the MC getting stronger
            Jiraiya from Naruto,Ace from One Piece, Igneel from Fairy Tail, all died to pave the way for the MC to "grow up" & mature both emotionally and physically, said MCs still smile after going through the nervous breakdown following the death of that important figure, but they're more serious and mature now & almost never show that childish side as much anymore 