
I needed new boom recs, so I went to the comments of one of amelierhys books, and you were the first one. And now I'm a little freaked out at the coincidence that I have read too many of the books on you're must read list!


Thank you for the follow❤️


@Tammyslibrary_ I'm super glad! I'm writing it offline and updates will start in December ❤️


Hi! Of course! I had seen your teaser for “tide changer” on Instagram and I was so excited! I’m looking forwards to reading it when it comes out ❤️


Thanks so much for adding Chasing Waves to your tbr list Tammy!! I hope you enjoy it if you get around to it xo
          Also, just keep in mind that it’s a sequel to Faking Love and will include spoilers for the first story ❤️


Hi!! Omg of course! I’m excited to read it! Oh, thank you for letting me know  I will make sure to read faking love first! ❤️ 


Hi dear
          Please I really need your support on my new novel. I swear you are going to love it.
          I'd appreciate your votes and comments on each chapters. Thank you so much!!!!!
          Chapter 4 of "Romans" is Up!
              Happy Reading☕☕



this message may be offensive
Hey Thamires nice meeting u ,my names Shufah weird name right ur not the only one hon don't know what the fuck my parents were thinking when they named me that uuhh (sigh) but it's fate what can we do ,I have a long distance cousin who lives in Connecticut, but I've never met him ohh and i live in NY,Staten island, u probably kn from my profile care to follow and farewell for now but we'll definitely chat about Zoe next chappie ok


 Awe it's was nice meeting you too! Even though our parents gave us these names I like it makes us unique from others! And that's so cool! About your cousin living here in Connecticut, and we'll definitely talk next chapter! It was nice talking/texting you! 