Hewwooo! :D 
Here are a few random stuff because idk what to put xD
( I don't think anyone knows these facts hoh )
Favorite Anime Op : Kuusou Mesorogiwi (TEA, BISCUITS, SCREW THIS TEA ;D)
Favorite Vocaloid song : Kokoro by Kagamine Rin ...? / Drop Pop Candy! :D
What I'm watching next : Plastic Memories
How dodgy am I? : ...... Idk
Can I Write,Draw, or Do Anything? : NO, HAHA!
Something random : I can give you a free... Cookie!
What is this? : A time wasting paragraph.
Why are you still reading this? : I have NO IDEA whatsoever :3
* Is secretly stalking you, and finding what to do with life *
Chocolate,Vanilla or Strawberry? : ... I guess chocolate *^*
Type of 'Dere'? : I have no clueeeeeeeee!
Instrument i would want to play : The violin or the guitar :3
Favourite song in Undertale : Hopes and Dreams!
  • EntrouMarch 9, 2016

História de ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ*:・゚✧
Baka Stories ! , de TaokakaTheSinnaCat
Baka Stories !
These are only short stories :3 Well unless one of the stories in this are really good, I might extend the st...