
Should I, or should I not? Got a crush at school and all my friends telling me to kiss him. Idk should I? Checking Wattpad in the morning


Got hit in the face with a soccer ball and got a mild concussion and a nose bleed today- felt like I was drunk ngl lmao


@trust_my_sarcasm 1) me neither. 2) I didn't mean it like that lmao, I meant he knows I do too much for him and he would never hurt me, even on accident, unless I begged him too of course. 3) *kInD oF jUsT sHruGs aNd tHrOWS aRmS uP, wtf- LMFAO


Thx for the follow!


            Thx lol
            I told my friend that someone on Discord called me cool, and they want to inform you that you have inflated my (non existent) insufferable ego, and they had to deal with me :P
            I don't need one, but I'll bet you're a good therapist XD


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
I just realized that I was in love with a bastard who deserves to die in a hole. He replaced me with my best friend and she turned against me. Die in a hole Chris and Alyssa fuck you both